Packages make Pulsar do amazing things.
Auto import by dragging files from tree-view to your active pane without typing. Supported file types are: JS , JSX , TS , TSX , CSS , SCSS , SASS and LESS.
Plugin replaces tab's title if opened index.* file for more readability
Adds shortcut to generate png files out of PlantUml text files. Expects plantUml to be available via PATH.
Snippets and autocompletions for Angular UI Bootstrap Components.
Provides basic syntax highlighting for configuration files that are just composed of comments or non-comments
Sublime Text and native-style word navigation in Atom with shortcuts.
Wombat Atom Dark Syntax Theme. ( Python, GoLang, Angular, Javascript, NodeJS, Markdown, PHP, HTML, CSS )
Integration with PlatformIO an open source ecosystem for IoT development. Cross-platform code builder and library manager. Continuous and IDE integration. Arduino and MBED compatible. Ready for Cloud compiling.
The Floobits pair programming plugin for Atom. This plugin adds support for real-time collaborative editing, video chatting, and sharing terminals via the Term3 plugin. A Floobits account is required, but the plugin will guide you.
StaticLint.jl support for Atom using the linter package
A syntax theme designed for colorblind people. Special attention paid to css, javascript, json, markdown, php, and python.
MATLAB grammar support from official Mathworks bundle (used on Octave support converted from TextMate.
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