Packages make Pulsar do amazing things.
Sass Compiler based on node-sass library that provides binding for Node.js to libsass. Works only with scss syntax.
Clean and vibrant dark Atom syntax theme with colors picked on the HCL color space
A north-bluish, light clean and elegant Atom syntax theme.
Adaption of Sarah Drasner's Night Owl VSCode theme for Atom
Quickly insert hosted libraries. (Bootstrap, Foundation, Angular, Jquery, FontAwesome... and more)
This package allows you to open .class (Java) files and see a decompiled Version of this file. Decompiler: procyon
Editor support for writting python scripts that are executed by Rhinoceros (
Reflows and wraps texts based on the Japanese line breaking rules. Alphabet words, indents, C++ and C style comments, and markdown lists are taken into account when formatting. By default, just press Shift+Enter on a text. 日本語禁則処理に従ってテキストを折り返します。整形の際には、アルファベットの単語やインデント、C++やC形式コメント、Markdownリストも考慮されます。デフォルト設定では、テキストの上でShift+Enterを押してください。
A north-bluish, light clean and elegant minimal Atom UI.