Packages make Pulsar do amazing things.
Navigate quickly between files in your project, such as header/source files, based on a set of configurable rules
Linter plugin for JavaScript, using gjslint (Google Closure Linter)
This package lets you export or import your Atom configuration.
Open a rendered version of the DOT in the current editor with `ctrl-d`.
An easy-on-the-eyes dark syntax theme. A port of Christian Petersen' Textmate Behave theme.
A syntax theme based off the beautiful colors of Android's Material Design color palette!
Add ES6 import statements automatically to Typescript files.
A Ruby language server featuring code completion and inline documentation
[Forked from atom-file-icons] Logo style icons and ui tweaks for tabs, fuzzy finder and tree view
Customized Angular bootstrap autocomplete
Atom One dark UI theme variant, with lower-contrast filesystem tree and other tweaks
A collection of JavaScript snippets for Atom, StandardJS Style
Displays a tooltip with git-blame information about the currently selected line.