Packages make Pulsar do amazing things.
Convert File Encoding package for saving files in a different encoding.
Angular 2 - Typescript snippets for Atom - following John Papa tutorial
New Moon Theme for Atom. A beautiful, middle-contrast dark theme inspired by Twilight and Tomorrow Night Eighties. Your new favorite theme.
Open the Terminal (OSX, Linux) or Git-Bash (Windows) in the given directory via context menu or keyboard shortcut.
Syntax highlighting for AutoHotKey scripts. Fork of nshakin/language-autohotkey.
Native iOS developers have amazing Xcode - let's bridge the gap and make Atom our to go choice
Gherkin language in Atom with support of Internationalization in more 68 languages
Indexes PHP code and exposes services to query it (required for other php-integrator-* packages).
[1.18.2] Minecraft function language. Has syntax highlighting and autocomplete.