
An atom package helping you with your workflows during Codeforces contests







This package consumes the following services:


This plugin for the Atom editor helps you with some workflows during Codeforces contests. In order to show compilation output and to open terminal sessions inside of Atom, terminal-tab is required.


The default directory structure is as follows: the source file for task A is called A.cpp, it is located inside of the folder A and the compiled file is called a.out. The compilation command currently is g++ -std=c++17 -g -Wall -Wextra -fsanitize=undefined,address -DGLIBCXX_DEBUG A.cpp. The examples for task A are inside of the directory A/examples and are called e.g. and 1.out. You can change this behavior in the settings.

Please note that this plugin is still in development. Use it on your own risk. Although I don't think there are any major bugs (of course I am using the plugin myself), I am not responsible in case anything to your disadvantage happens because of the usage of this plugin (e.g. getting worse rating when unfinished source files are being submitted).

Before participating in a rated contest, you should test whether the plugin is working for you by connecting a folder to a past Codeforces contest and trying to submit a source file.


Plugin screenshot 1

Plugin screenshot 2

Development Notes

When Atom says that node-gyp was compiled against a wrong node version, run node_modules/.bin/electron-rebuild -v 9.