
Ember.js shortcuts for Atom!







This package provides the following services:

Atom Ember Shortcuts



This Atom package is based on the Ember CLI Helper Atom package, which is sadly no longer maintained. I only used the shortcuts available in that package so I decided to create my own and maintain the smaller feature set.


If you have the Atom Package Manager installed, simply run apm install ember-shortcuts. Otherwise, search for it in the Install section of your Atom editor.

Contextual Intentions

CTRL + ENTER will display the intention list on OSX and ALT + ENTER will get you going on Windows.

Cheat Sheet

Keybinding Action
Ctrl + Alt + E Toggles between JavaScript and Handlebars files.
Ctrl + Alt + R Toggles between the controller and route.
Ctrl + Alt + ENTER Jumps into the first component detected on the active row of your editor.

Detailed Behavior

Current Location Shortcut Destination
my-component.js Ctrl + Alt + E my-component.hbs
my-component.hbs Ctrl + Alt + E my-component.js
my-template.hbs Ctrl + Alt + E my-controller.js
my-controller.js Ctrl + Alt + E my-template.hbs
my-template.hbs Ctrl + Alt + R my-route.js
my-controller.js Ctrl + Alt + R my-route.hbs
my-route.js Ctrl + Alt + R my-controller.hbs
my-template.hbs Ctrl + Alt + ENTER my-component.hbs *
my-component.hbs Ctrl + Alt + ENTER my-component.hbs *
my-component.js Ctrl + Alt + T my-component-test.js
my-controller.js Ctrl + Alt + T my-controller-test.js
my-route.js Ctrl + Alt + T my-route-test.js
my-model.js Ctrl + Alt + T my-model-test.js
my-helper.js Ctrl + Alt + T my-helper-test.js
my-service.js Ctrl + Alt + T my-service-test.js

* Your active editor row must be positioned on my-component's declaration.


Any contribution is more than welcomed. If you plan on introducing a new feature, please open an issue and share your idea prior to implementing it, it could save you precious time!


If something is not working as expected, simply open an issue and we'll discuss how we'll go about fixing it!