
A brute-force approach to remote gateway authentication







This package consumes the following services:

Hydrogen Auth Plugin

A brute-force approach to remote gateway authentication.

This package for Atom, is a plugin for Hydrogen.

It allows connecting to password-protected notebook servers and gateways. However, the approach taken to achieve this involves some heavy monkey-patching. There is no guarantee that it won't break other atom packages.

Please note that notebook servers with self-signed certificates are not supported, due to the default security policy in nodejs/Atom.

How to use

  1. Make sure the gateway or notebook server you are connected to is part of your hydrogen gateways config.
  2. Activate the hydrogen package (by running any command in that package).
  3. Run the Hydrogen Auth: Login to Gateway command and select your gateway.
  4. Double-check that the login URL specified is correct, and then input your password.
  5. Now run Hydrogen: Connect to Remote Kernel. If the password you entered was correct, you will be prompted to create or select a session. If your login did not succeed, you will instead be given an error message.



The following features are currently unsupported. (Though patches are welcome!)