
Language support for RaiDelve from RelationalAI







language-raidelve package

To install (short)

apm install

To install (long)

0 - In order for the apm install command to work, you must have python 2.7 in your PATH ( due to node-gyp only working with python 2 see issue - You can check what version is available by typing python --version . If it is another version, consider modifying your path just for installing this package. You could do something like echo $PATH and remove any path that leads to another python version ( i.e. ~/anaconda3/bin ). Or you could just append export PATH=/usr/bin/:$PATH assuming you have python 2 in this directory. Alternatively, you could do something like-> export PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2.7 <- although I haven't test this.

1 - apm install This installs the atom package in ~/.atom/packages

2 - Start Atom

3 - In Atom, open a file containing RaiDelve code that has the file extension ".delve". Ideally, you will see some code now highlighted.

You may also need to do the following things depending on your computer.

A - Restart Atom after setting the stylesheet.

B - You may have to set the language in Atom to recognize the file as RaiDelve code. It is supposed to autodetect if the file ends in ".delve" but that has not always worked. See the bottom right hand corner of the Atom editor for the language setting.

C - Add the contents of styles.less from this package into the global stylesheet. You can either find the menu to open "Stylesheet" and paste the contents there. Or you can use the command palette ( ctrl-shift-p ) and search for "Open Your Stylesheet". This is the global style settings for Atom. However, you should get some styling by default in Atom. This just lets you which color gets applied to which subset of tokens.

Debugging why the styling doesn't work

Check the parsing is working

Open a .delve file, set the language to raidelve. Then place your cursor in front of a keyword ( ex. and ). Then use the command palette ( ctrl-shift-p ) and search for 'Log Cursor Scope'. Select that function and you should see a popup in the editor. If the parser is working correctly, you should see "delve " and "keyword.control". If you see "delve" and something else, you may not have your cursor in front of and. If you do not see the word "delve" in the popup, the parser is not working. See step 1.

Check the CSS styling is working

On some machines, you can edit the colors in the styles.less file ( in Atom ) and the colors change immediately. However, I'm not convinced that always works. If the colors change in the delve file when you change them in the styles.less, then your style selection is working.

If the colors do not change, or if there are no colors for left-hand-side variables def sales_event_type[salesevent] <- In this piece of code, if everything is working the def should be blue and the salesevent should be green.

Ways to troubleshoot this are to a) check that the contents of styles.less from this package are saved in the Atom global styesheet ( see step 3 ) or b) restart Atom after you save the contents into the stylesheet.

If parsing is working correctly, but the styling is not, you may still see some highlighting. This is because Atom has some generic CSS defined for certain keywords that overlap with some of the output from this package.


Atom autoupdated and now I see an error when I open Atom that says something about and npm or NODE_MODULE_VERSION mismatch In this case, I found the following to fix it 1) Go to your package directory ~/.atom/packages/delve-language and try npm rebuild --update-binary & npm install ** 2) Also do apm rebuild --update-binary & apm install.

  ** I needed to do ```export CC=clang & export CXX=clang++``` to get npm rebuild to run without errors.


You don't need to do these steps -> unless we need to debug the npm parser. This may happen if we change the grammar and need to update the parser.

We have a raidelve parser - npm package called tree-sitter-delve-language this should be installable via npm on the command line

npm install -g tree-sitter-delve-language

This repo needs to be installed into Atom ( run from this directory) apm install or apm install

Then open any file ending in .delve that has code in it.

style.less - how we select and color different items. This needs to be added to your styles.less. Ideally, this should get imported as part of the package but I can't figure out how to do that.

package.json - where we specify the dependencies ( including the npm package)

grammars/tree-sitter-delve.cson - where you define the css selectors to highlight different aspects of the code


Tree Sitter grammar spec for delve

How to add a new grammer to Atom using the Tree Sitter syntax

A walkthrough that shows how to add a grammer to Atom

Create Syntax Highlighting Package

You might need npm install -g node-gyp

Additional Notes: