linter-github-actions Made for Pulsar!

Github actions config lint via actionlint




Bug Reports




This package provides the following services:


Linter-Github-Actions aims to provide functional and robust actionlint linting functionality within Atom/Pulsar.

APM (Atom) and PPM (Pulsar) Support

apm was discontinued prior to the sunset by the Atom Editor team. ppm for Pulsar does not yet support package publishing. Therefore, the installation instructions are now as follows if you want the latest version in Atom, Atom Beta, or Atom Dev:

and Pulsar:

Additionally: this package is now in maintenance mode. All feature requests and bug reports in the Github repository issue tracker will receive a response, and possibly also be implemented (especially bug fixes). However, active development on this package has ceased.


The ActionLint CLI binary executable is required to be installed before using this package. The Linter and Language-YAML Atom packages are also required.

Note that at this current time the package unit tests (outside of CI which will be Atom Beta 1.61.0 for the time being) and acceptance testing are performed with the latest stable version of Pulsar.
