
Synchronize package settings, keymap and installed packages




Bug Reports




This package consumes the following services:

Sync Settings for Atom


Synchronize settings, keymaps, user styles, init script, snippets and installed packages across Atom instances.



$ apm install sync-settings or using the Install button from

Backup locations

By default your backup will be stored in a gist, but you may also install other location packages.

Some other locations:

Gist Setup

  1. Open Sync Settings configuration in Atom Settings.
  2. Create a new personal access token which has the gist scope and be sure to activate permissions: Gist -> create gists.
  3. Copy the access token to Sync Settings configuration or set it as an environmental variable GITHUB_TOKEN.
  4. Create a new gist:
  1. Copy the gist id (last part of url after the username) to Sync Settings configuration or set it as an environmental variable GIST_ID.

Disclaimer: GitHub Gists are by default public. If you don't want other people to easily find your gist (i.e. if you use certain packages, storing auth-tokens, a malicious party could abuse them), you should make sure to create a secret gist.

Alternative Sync Settings configuration using Atom's config.cson

  1. Click on Menu "Open Your Config" to edit Atom's config.cson
  2. Use these keys:
    gistId: "b3025...88c41c"
    personalAccessToken: "6a10cc207b....7a67e871"

Cloning a backup to a fresh Atom install

  1. Install the package from the command line: apm install sync-settings
  2. Launch Atom passing in GITHUB_TOKEN and GIST_ID. For example:
GITHUB_TOKEN=6a10cc207b....7a67e871 GIST_ID=b3025...88c41c atom
  1. You will still need to make sure you add your gist id and github token to the Sync Settings configuration in Atom Settings OR set them as environment variables in your shell configuration.


Open the Atom Command Palette where you can search for the following list of commands.

Backup or restore all settings from the Packages menu or use one of the following commands:

View your online backup using the following command:

Check the latest backup is applied:

You can also fork existing settings from a different GitHub user using the following command:

Create a new backup:

Delete the current backup:

Running the tests

  1. Create a new personal access token which has the gist scope and will be used for testing purposes.
  2. Export it with export GITHUB_TOKEN=YOUR_TOKEN
  3. Run apm test


If you're going to submit a pull request, please try to follow the official contribution guidelines of Atom.

  1. Fork it.
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature).
  3. Ensure tests are passing. See running-the-tests.
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature').
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature).
  6. Create new Pull Request.

See all contributors.

Location Service

Packages can provide a location service using Atom's Service's API


Add the keywords sync-settings and location and add the providedServices property to your package.json file.

// package.json
  "main": "./main.js",
  "keywords": [
  "providedServices": {
    "sync-settings-location": {
      "versions": {
        "1.0.0": "provideLocationService"

Then add the provideLocationService function to your main.js file (where your activate function is for Atom to activate your package)

// main.js
  activate () {

  provideLocationService () {
    return require('./locationService.js')

Return an object that provides the functions for your service.

// locationService.js

module.exports = {
   * Get URL for the backup
   * @return {string} Backup URL. Return null if no URL exists
  async getUrl () {

   * Create new backup location
   * @return {Object} Returns empty object on success. Falsey value on silent error
  async create () {

   * Get backup files and time
   * @return {Object} Returns object with `files` and `time` on success. Falsey value on silent error
  async get () {
    return {
      files: {
        'filename.txt': {
          content: '...'
      time: new Date().toISOString(), // ISO string, (e.g. 2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z)

   * Delete backup
   * @return {Object} Returns empty object on success. Falsey value on silent error
  async delete () {

   * Update backup and get time
   * @param  {Object} files Files to update
   * @return {Object} Returns object with `time` on success. Falsey value on silent error
  async update (files) {
    return {
      time: new Date().toISOString(),

   * Fork backup
   * @return {Object} Returns empty object on success. Falsey value on silent error
  async fork () {