tidal-sharp Made for Pulsar!

This package allows state-history interaction with the TidalCycles live-coding language.







tidal-sharp package

Before You Use

Directions for Installation

Download the package on Pulsar. This can be done installing the package through the packages menu on the Pulsar application or running pulsar -p install tidal-sharp in your terminal.


  1. Clone the repo
  2. (Most likey): need to run npm install in the project folder.
  3. In the project folder, run apm link -d. This adds a symlink to this package in the ~/.atom/dev/packages directory. For Pulsar, this is ppm link -d. If Pulsar's ppm command isn't working, you can manulaly create a symlink. On a mac, this is: ln -s <cloned_repo_path> ~/Users/<user>/.pulsar/dev/packages/sharp. NOTE: You can also just clone the repo to this directory and skip the sym-link altogether, if you want.
  4. In the command line, run atom -d to use the packages in the dev directory. You should see 'sharp' in the Packages menu now. Alternatively, in the Atom/Pulsar menu, click view > developer > open in dev mode

Running SHARP

  1. Run SHARP by either using the Packages menu and choosing SHARP > Activate SHARP or by using the keyboard shortcut: ctrl+alt+x
  2. Run one block of code with the TidalCycles keyboard shortcut ctrl+enter (or cmd+enter). Note that SHARP will not run alongside TidalCycles if you choose the TidalCycles Eval commands from the Packages drop-down. You must use the keyboard shortcuts if you want both to run together.
  1. You can choose whether or not to allow duplicate code entries in the state-history tree SHARP creates for you by going to the Packages drop-down menu and choosing SHARP > Allow/Disallow unique nodes in graphs or by using the keyboard shortcut ctrl+alt+u.
  2. After making changes, you can close the package with Packages > SHARP > Quit SHARP (the keyboard shortcut for this is ctrl + opt + cmd + q). You will be asked to save your history into a file if you do this with an unsaved SHARP history. You can also save to a file manually with Packages > SHARP > Dump History to File... (or ctrl + opt + cmd + s).

Interacting with SHARP

Current Bugs