
AppGameKit support from Atom.







This package provides the following services:

This package consumes the following services:

AppGameKit for Atom

Use Atom to develop games with AppGameKit! This plugin adds support for the AppGameKit Tier 1 (BASIC) language and all the utilities you'd expect from a modern editor, such as syntax highlighting, intellisense, on-demand compilation, and a REPL-oriented debugger.

Demo GIF

Features at a glance


Install it like any other package, just ctrl-,, go to packages, search for atom-agk, and that's it!

You may need to customize the path to your AGKCompiler.exe file:

Settings window

Default key bindings

These bindings only apply when editing AGK (.agc) files, and can be changed in the package configuration. By default:

Generating a new project

Simply ctrl-shift-p (cmd-shift-p on macOS) and run generate-project from there. That will create a new folder at your specified location with a basic AGK project skeleton so you can start hacking right away!


This package comes bundled with the most common snippets. To use a snippet, just type the snippet and then press tab. That's it! Continue pressing tab to navigate to the different positions within the snippet.

Snippets GIF

Some built-in snippets are func, type, if, for, while, repeat, select, case, and dim.

You can always implement your own! Find out how here.

Go To Definition

You can press F2 (or bind atom-agk:go-to-definition to any key combination you want) while stepping on a function to go to it's definition!

Go To Definition GIF

Symbol Explorer

You can press F9 (atom-agk:toggle-symbol-explorer) to toggle the symbol explorer:

Symbol Explorer

Symbols from the current file will be showed on top. All other symbols will be sorted alphabetically.


This is beta-quality software. Pull requests, bug reports and suggestions are welcome. Some things to note:


Particular thanks to the guys at TheGameCreators forums and in particular MadBit for all the help running the debugger and using the compiler from the CLI.