
Play music notes like a piano while coding in Atom.







Atom Code Music

Play music notes like a piano while coding in Atom.

Ctrl + Alt + m t or use command atom-code-music:toggle to toggle.

Default is Music Box Mode, you can also switch to Real Piano Mode in Settings.

You can also choose timbre (Piano/Marimba) in Settings. But it will use timbre in sheets first, only when timbre in sheets is "" it will load chosen timbre.

Key Map in Real Piano Mode.

Key Map in Real Piano Mode

The converter and sheets for Music Box Mode.

How to add custom music sheets.

If you can write music sheets in digit-sheets (For examples see this repo), you can use the atom-code-music:convert command or Ctrl + Alt + m c to convert it into coffeescript/javascript/cson/json array music sheet, which is used to record built-in music sheets.

First write correct digit-sheets with following syntax:

For example:

Solmization Expression
C3 (1)
Ab3 (#5)
F4 4
E5 [3]
Bb6 {#6}
C5 G5 [15] or [1][5]
C3 & E4 & Ab5 chord <(1)3[#5]>


  1. Only < > can be mixed in to the other three brackets, or it will trigger an error.

  2. In digit-sheets only # is acceptable, no b, and never let a # control many digits, in other words, (#1#2#5) is okay but #(125) causes an error.

  3. Do not use cross-line brackets, you'd better to close and reopen a pair of brackets at line end/beginning to prevent strange error. (Here line is soft warp in Atom, not hard warp in file.)(MAYBE FIXED BY NEW CONVENTER IN V2.3.5.)


  1. Open your digit-sheets, then use command atom-code-music:convert or press Ctrl + Alt + m c, it will open a untitled buffer and convert it into a coffeescript/javascript array music sheet.

  2. Save the array sheet with .coffee or .js. Add the saved file path into Settings -> Packages -> atom-code-music -> Custom Sheets.