
Use a .atomignore file to hide files & folder in tree view







atom-ignore package

Use a .atomignore file to hide files & folder in tree view and fuzzy finder


Sometimes, you want to hide some files & folders from the tree view. With Atom, you can make it globally, or for each project, via the gitignore file.
But... if you don't want to hide file globally, or ignore them in your repo ?

Use an .atomignore file in your projects !

It works like a regular .gitignore file, but only hides the files & folders in your Atom view.


Simply add an .atomignore file in your project.

You can also control the state of hiding by using atom-ignore:toggle, atom-ignore:enable & atom-ignore:disable commands.


With the success of Atom, it's really difficult to choose keybindings that will not enter in conflict whit anyone else's packages, so I have removed the default keystrokes and let the keymap empty to let you set your own keybindings.


This package monkey patches a key hook built into the default Atom packages TreeView, FuzzyFinder, and Find-and-Replace and for 'Exclude VCS Ignored Paths'. For this package to work, you need to have this option set to true, and there has to be a valid git repo associated with the project that has the .atomignore file in it. It doesn't work for random folders that aren't tracked by git (sorry, it was the only hook we could find!)

Atom core needs better hooks to allow for useful packages to edit things on a per-project basis. Please support this issue on the following repo trackers:

All 3 of these packages just needs to provide us a simple project specific config that other packages could set to exclude items. It'll make everyone's life would be a lot easier!

Forked from atom-tree-ignore