
A collection of Java commands for optimizing modern Java development productivity.

Clifford Fajardo



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Atom Java Snippets

A collection of Java commands for optimizing modern Java development productivity.

The MIT License apm apm


apm install atom-java-snippets


Feel free to let me know (link) what else can be improved/added or you can also submit a PR.

Snippets Overview

Snippets are optimized to be short and easy to remember. Some snippets are "chainable" and render differently when preceded by a ".".

Control Flow Snippets

if⇥ if statement
if(${1:condition}) {
else⇥ else statement
else {
ifelse⇥ if else statement
if(${1:condition}) {
} else {
elseif⇥ else if statement
else if (${1:condition}) {
for⇥ for loop
for (Integer ${1:i} = 0; ${1:i} < ${2:iterable}${3:.length}; ${1:i}++) {
fore⇥ iterator based for each loop
for(${1:object_type} ${2:var_name}: ${3:collection_name}) {
while⇥ while loop
while (${1:condition}) {
trycatch⇥ try/catch
try {
} catch(Exception ${2:exception_name}) {
tryfinally⇥ try/finally
try {
} finally {
trycatchfinally⇥ try/catch/finally
try {
} catch(Exception ${2:exception_name}) {
} finally {

Class Related Snippets

class class and constructor
${1:public} class ${2:ClassName} {
classAndConstructor⇥ class and constructor
${1:public_or_private} class ${2:ClassName} {
  ${3:public_or_private} ${2:ClassName} (${4:Parameters}) {
constructorPublic⇥ public class constructor
${1:public} ${2:ClassName} (${3:Parameters}) {
constructorPrivate⇥ private class constructor
${1:private} ${2:ClassName} (${3:Parameters}) {
methodPublic⇥ public method
${1:public} ${2:ClassName} (${3:Parameters}) {
methodPrivate⇥ private method
${1:private} ${2:ClassName} (${3:Parameters}) {
methodStatic⇥ static method
${1:public_or_private} static ${2:ClassName} (${3:Parameters}) {

Java Doc Comments Snippets

commentMethod⇥ java doc method comment
 * @description your_method_description
 * @param param_name your_param_description
 * @return return_type your_return_description
commentModule⇥ java doc module comment
* The ____ program implements/is used for.....
* @author


print⇥ System.out.println

Returning Values Snippets

r⇥ return
return ${1};${2}
rt⇥ return true
return true;
rf⇥ return false
return false;
rth⇥ return this
return this;
rn⇥ return null
return null;
r0⇥ return 0
return 0;
r1⇥ return 1
return -1;
r-1⇥ return -1
return -1;

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