
Snippets for Jest testing framework

Bryce Osterhaus






Atom Jest Snippets

apm apm

An Atom snippet library for Jest. This library uses ES6 syntax.

Install via apm install atom-jest-snippets


Toggle Semicolons: [Default: with semicolons] Allows the user to toggle between having semicolons on or off.

Snippets Available

The means the TAB key

Trigger Content
jcleartimers→ jest.clearAllTimers()
jclearmocks→ jest.clearAllMocks()
jdisableautomock→ jest.disableAutomock()
jdomo→ jest.doMock($1)
jdonmo→ jest.dontMock($1)
jenableautomock→ jest.enableAutomock()
jfn→ jest.fn($1)
jgenmock→ jest.genMockFromModule($1)
jismock→ jest.isMockFunction($1)
jmock→ jest.mock($1)
jresetallmocks→ jest.resetAllMocks()
jresetmodules→ jest.resetModules()
jrestore→ jest.restoreAllMocks()
jrunticks→ jest.runAllTicks()
jruntimers→ jest.runAllTimers()
jrunpendtimers→ jest.runOnlyPendingTimers()
jsetmock→ jest.setMock($1)
jspy→ jest.spyOn($1)
junmock→ jest.unmock($1)
jfaketimers→ jest.useFakeTimers($1)
jrealtimers→ jest.useRealTimers($1)
jadvanceTimers jest.advanceTimersByTime($1)
------- -------
enot→ expect($1).not
eres→ expect($1).resolves
erej→ expect($1).rejects
ebe→ expect($1).toBe($2)
ecloseto→ expect($1).toBeCloseTo($2, $3)
edef→ expect($1).toBeDefined()
efalsy→ expect($1).toBeFalsy()
egreater→ expect($1).toBeGreaterThan($2)
egreateror→ expect($1).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual($2)
einst→ expect($1).toBeInstanceOf($2)
eless→ expect($1).toBeLessThan($2)
elessor→ expect($1).toBeLessThanOrEqual($2)
enull→ expect($1).toBeNull()
etruthy→ expect($1).toBeTruthy()
eundef→ expect($1).toBeUndefined()
econ→ expect($1).toContain($2)
econeq→ expect($1).toContainEqual($2)
eeq→ expect($1).toEqual($2)
ecall→ expect($1).toHaveBeenCalled()
ecallt→ expect($1).toHaveBeenCalledTimes($2)
ecallw→ expect($1).toHaveBeenCalledWith($2)
eleng→ expect($1).toHaveLength($2)
eprop→ expect($1).toHaveProperty($2)
emat→ expect($1).toMatch($2)
ematob→ expect($1).toMatchObject($2)
ematsnap→ expect($1).toMatchSnapshot($2)
ethr→ expect($1).toThrow($2)
ethrsn→ expect($1).toThrow($2)
exp→ expect($1)$2
eanyt→ expect.anything($1)
eany→ expect.any($1)
earrc→ expect.arrayContaining($1)
expa→ expect.assertions($1)
exph→ expect.hasAssertions()
eobjc→ expect.objectContaining($1)
estrc→ expect.stringContaining($1)
estrm→ expect.stringMatching($1)
------- -------
aftera→ afterAll(() => {$1})
aftere→ afterEach(() => {$1})
beforea→ beforeAll(() => {$1})
beforee→ beforeEach(() => {$1})
desc→ describe('$1', () => {$2})
it→ it('$1', () => {$2})
test→ test('$1', () => {$2})
------- -------
mclear→ .mockClear()
mimpl→ .mockImplementation($1)
mimplonce→ .mockImplementationOnce($1)
mreset→ .mockReset()
mrett→ .mockReturnThis()
mretval→ .mockReturnValue($1)
mretvalo→ .mockReturnValueOnce($1)
------- -------



import $1 from './$1'

describe('$1', () => {
  test('$2', () => {


$ cd ~/.atom/packages
$ git clone
$ cd atom-react-snippets
$ apm install
$ apm link


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  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature