
Customize shell commands. Similar to 'Run Commands' in NotePad++, 'User Tool' in EditPlus/UltraEdit, 'External Tool' in GEdit and 'Shell Commands' in TextMate.




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atom-shell-commands package

Customize shell commands for atom. Similar to 'Run Commands' in NotePad++, 'User Tool' in EditPlus/UltraEdit, 'External Tool' in GEdit and 'Shell Commands' in TextMate.


This package enables you to setup shell commands as atom commands. Shell output will be captured and display in the atom's bottom panel.If you create a command named 'gcc-build', you will find 'atom-shell-commands:gcc-build' in the atom command palette, and then use keymap to setup a shotcut for it.

I was a window user and switched to Atom from EditPlus/Notepad++. Previously I wrote a script in EditPlus to compile-run my C/C++ programs and execute Makefiles with customizable compile flags and run options. Atom has numerous community packages and I have tried some. Most of them are really great in certain extent but still cannot fully satisfy my need. Therefore I decided to reference their packages and make my own.



apm install atom-shell-commands


Configure commands on your config file (File->Open Your Config, or ~/.atom/config.cson) like this, add 'atom-shell-commands' in your user config file:

    commands: [
        name: "compile"
        command: "d:/dev/mingw/bin/gcc"
        arguments: [
          cwd: "{FileDir}"
          keymap: 'ctrl-2'

This will create the atom command "atom-shell-commands:compile" that you can now launch from the command palette or use the binding keymap 'ctrl-2'. It also generates an entry in the Atom Shell Commands menu under packages. A certain command is represented by:

Field Mode Description
name [required] The name of the target. Viewed in the menu
command [required] The executable command
auguments [optional] An array of arguments for the command
selector [optional] atom selector, default is 'atom-workspace'
matchs [optional] regular expression to match file name in output
options [optional] additional options to config dir, environment, keymap etc

The command, arguments and options values accepts the variables below:

Macros Description
{FilePath} File name of current document with full path.
{FileName} File name of current document without path.
{FileDir} Full path of current document without the file name
{FileExt} File extension of current document
{FileNameNoExt} File name of current document without path and extension
{ProjectDir} Current project directory
{ProjectRel} File name relativize to current project directory
{CurRow} Current row(line number) where the cursor is located
{CurCol} Current column index where the cursor is located
{CurSelected} Selected text
{CurLineText} Current line text under cursor
{CurWord} Current word under cursor

You can setup as many commands as you wish to build with your project makefile, or compile a single source file directly, or compile your latex, or run grep in current directory, passing current word under cursor to external man help / dictionary / other external scripts, or just call svn diff with current file and redirect the output to the bottom panel.

The options field is an key/value object contains:

Options Mode Description
cwd [optional] Working directory of the command
save [optional] True or false(default) to save the current file before execute
silent [optional] True or false(default); true will not show the message panel (if it's closed) when this command is run.
keymap [optional] A keymap string as defined by Atom. Pressing this key combination will trigger the target. Examples: ctrl-alt-k or cmd-U.
env [optional] Key/value based system environment setting
sound [optional] File path for a wav/mp3/ogg file which will be played to remind you that the job is finished


Compiling with command 'gcc'

Running with command 'execute'

command 'execute' config:

        name: "execute"
        command: "{FileNameNoExt}"
          cwd: "{FileDir}"

Running in a new window

command 'runinwindow' config:

        name: "runinwindow"
        command: "cmd"
        arguments: [
          cwd: "{FileDir}"

you need to write a batch file in windows to open a new window, here is source of launch.cmd:

@echo off

Lookup word in manual

Current word under cursor can be passed to the external executables or scripts, you can use it to look up current word in dictionary or manual with a single hotkey stroke:

  name: "man"
  command: "/usr/bin/man"
  arguments: [
    cwd: "{FileDir}"
    keymap: "ctrl-alt-m"

Error Matching

Error matching lets you specify a single regular expression or a list of regular expressions, which capture the output of your build command and open the correct file, row and column of the error. For instance:

ztest_hello.cpp: In function 'int main()':
ztest_hello.cpp:7:10: error: expected initializer before 'int'

Would be matched with the expression: ^(?<file>[\\/0-9a-zA-Z\\._\\\\:]+):(?<line>\\d+):(?<col>\\d+):. After the build has failed, click on the error output line, the file would be opened and the cursor would be placed at row 7, column 10.

Note the syntax for match groups. This is from the XRegExp package and has the syntax for named groups: (?<name> RE ) where name would be the name of the group matched by the regular expression RE.

The following named groups can be matched from the output:

Since the regular expressions are written in the user config file as .cson format, backslashes must be escaped.

The file should be an absolute path, or relative the cwd specified. If no cwd has been specified, default value '/' will be used.

Example user config file which is using error matching:

    commands: [
        name: "compile"
        command: "d:/dev/mingw/bin/gcc"
        arguments: [
        matchs: [
          cwd: "{FileDir}"
          keymap: 'ctrl-2'
          save: true

This will match the file, line and col in both clang/gcc or msvc error output.


Atom-shell-commands has a special design in the output panel to speedup the edit-compile-edit cycle. This is inspired by the quickfix mode in vim. The idea is to save the error messages from the compiler and use builtin commands to jump to the errors one by one. You can examine each problem and fix it, without having to remember all the error messages.

Command Description
atom-shell-commands-config:error-first go to the first error
atom-shell-commands-config:error-last go to the last error
atom-shell-commands-config:error-next go to the next error
atom-shell-commands-config:error-prev go to the previous error

To avoid hotkey conflict to other packages, Atom-shell-commands has none predefined keymap, just leave the it to user. You can trigger them from Atom Shell Commands menu under Packages, or from command palette directly.

The most efficient way is binding to your keymap config by simply adding few lines in ~/.atom/keymap.cson (or open it in the File menu):

    'F9' : 'atom-shell-commands-config:error-next'
    'F10': 'atom-shell-commands-config:error-prev'

Now you can have your F9/F10 to navigate errors without leaving your hand from keyboard to mouse/touch pad.


atom-shell-commands has been tested in windows, mac os and ubuntu. You can use 'open' in mac os or '/usr/bin/gnome-terminal' in ubuntu to open a new window and execute your command.

As executing program in a new terminal window correctly is a little tricky thing, I create a script to let you open a new terminal window to execute your program in both Windows, Linux (ubuntu), Cygwin and Mac OS X, you can try it from:

