
Atom package to support soft tabs length







Atom soft tabs length – apm

Atom package to support soft tabs length.

Atom soft tabs length


The package is published on the APM (Atom Package Manager) registry, so you can install it through the command line interpreter using:

apm install atom-soft-tabs-length


Atom soft tabs aren't configurable the way hard tabs are, that's why this package comes to the rescue: it provide an easy way to display consistent soft tabs length between different editors configurations.

Pretend that your are working on a project with soft tabs of 2 spaces. A new developer join your team, but he usually works with soft tabs of 4 spaces... that's a problem, because you don't want your source code to contain both 2 spaces and 4 spaces.

How it works

The package is built upon the great EditorConfig mechanism: it look for an .editorconfig file from the project's directory to the file system root directory and detect indentation style, based on the indent_style and indent_size properties, whether to apply soft tabs length. If no configuration file is found, no soft tabs length will be applied, and the editor will display the soft tabs normally.

Soft tabs length

To properly display the soft tabs based on your coding styles, the package simulates the presence of invisible spaces, or virtual spaces, to represent your soft tabs. To make it work, it requires the indent guide to be enabled in order to tweak the indentation width/size on the Atom interface. By default the Atom styles are override and the indent guide is hide, but you can easily choose whether to display or not the indent guide in the package settings.

For now, the package officially only support 2 spaces and 4 spaces soft tabs length


When applying soft tabs length to the current editor, the package displays scoped notifications depending on the user setting:

Ignore pattern

You can exclude some paths with a Regex pattern to tell the package to not apply the soft tabs length setting on specific files, folders, extensions, etc.

Remember that the regular expression is applied to the full path of the file


If you want to report a bug or if you just want to request for a new feature/improvement, please feel free to fill an issue. Thanks for taking time to contribute to this package.


The project is developed under the MIT license:

Read the full license for more information about your rights.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!
xavier.foucrier [at]