
Sync files bidirectionally between remote host and local over ssh+rsync (optimized for Windows with cygwin)








i switched over to PHPStorm and don't use anymore. Intellisense/Autocomplete etc. is 100x better than in Feel free to use the plugin, but i will probably not update much.

atom-sync-cygwin package

atom-sync-cygwin is an Atom package to sync files bidirectionally between remote host and local over ssh+rsync. Inspired by Sublime SFTP.

experimentalBuild Status

This package is a clone of atom-sync and has a patch to use cygwin (or Windows Subsystem for Linux) emulation on Windows. If you install "openssh rsync" on windows via cygwin (, then you can use the plugin also on Windows which then emulates the rsync inside cygwin. You need to put your C:/cygwin/bin/ in to %PATH% so that ssh and rsync are used on cmd.exe or atom.exe .

Please kindly try it out and provide feedback. atom-sync

This Package still works fine under Mac, because there is no path C: , so the patch is ignored there.

To Prevent conflicts with the original atom-sync plugin this one is renamed to atom-sync-cygwin .



Quick Start


Config File (and Tutorial)


    host: "HOSTNAME",       # server name or ip or ssh host abbr in .ssh/config
    user: "USERNAME",       # ssh username
    path: "REMOTE_DIR"      # e.g. /home/someone/somewhere

    uploadOnSave: true      # Upload every time you save a file
    syncDownOnOpen: true    # Download every time you open a file
    forgetConsole: false    # Never show console panel even while syncing
    autoHideConsole: true   # Hide console automatically after 1.5s
    alwaysSyncAll: false    # Sync all files and folders under the project \
                            # instead of syncing single file or folder
    wsl: false              # Enable Windows Subsystem for Linux mode
    msys: false             # Enable msys paths (wsl option takes priority)
    deleteFiles: true       # Delete files during syncing
    autoHideDelay: 1500     # Time delay to hide console
    #excludeFrom: '/absolute/path/to/exclude/file' # Use rsync exclude file
    exclude: [              # Excluding patterns (leave empty array if only using excludeFrom)
    flags: 'avzpur'         # Advanced option: rsync flags
    #chmods: 'Du=rwx,Dgo=rx,Fu=rw,Fog=r' #force the permissions to be set to 755 for Directories and 644 for Files
    shell: 'ssh'
    # or
    #shell: '/usr/bin/sshpass -p password ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l username'
trigger:                    # Triggers fire after uploading file successfully
                            # which STARTS with following patterns

    "*": "uptime"            # Wildcard trigger for any file uploaded

    "resources/scripts/coffee": [   # Any file under %PROJECT_ROOT%/resources/scripts/coffee \
                                    # being uploaded will fire this trigger

        "echo Compile coffeescript to js ..."
        "coffee -b --output js/ --compile coffee/"
        "ls public/js/|xargs -I@ echo \\t@"       # You can also pipe commands but don't \
                                                  # forget to escape special characters
    "resources/scripts/sass": [
        "echo Compile sass to css ..."
        "sass --update resources/scripts/sass:public/css"

Introduction to Trigger


    "*": [
        "echo \'<span class=warning>Every time you\\'ll see me</span>\'"
    "coffee": [
        "echo Compile coffeescript to js ..."
        "mkdir -p js"
        "coffee -b --output js/ --compile coffee/"
        "ls js/|xargs -I@ echo \\t@"
    "sass/style.sass": [
        "echo Compile sass to css ..."
        "mkdir -p css"
        "sass --update sass:css"




Trigger is implemented via ssh, it would be great to use triggers with SSH ControlMaster by transferring data through single ssh tunnel instead of making one ssh connection for rsync and another for ssh command, which could be very slow under unideal network speed or connection limits.

Config sample of ~/.ssh/config
Host *
    ControlMaster auto
    ControlPath ~/.ssh/ssh-%r@%h:%p
    ControlPersist 10m
    ServerAliveInterval 30


Known Problems
