
Atom to Illustrator is an extension for Atom to execute a JSX file in Illustrator.









Atom to Illustrator is an extension for Atom that allows you to execute a JSX file in Illustrator. Sourced from atom-to-photoshop.

Notes below are borrowed from the original atom-to-photoshop readme.


This extension works on Atom's current document.

If your file is saved, the extension will execute the script using its local path, otherwise it will execute it through a temporary file.

Click on the atom-to-illustrator > Run menu item, or hit the shortcut ctrl-alt-shift-p to execute your script.


Include external files

If your script file is saved, the extension will load your script path and execute it. This makes it easier to use ExtendScript's #include to load relative external files.

#include "~/Development/personal/descriptor-info/jsx/descriptor-info.jsx"

If your file is not saved, the extension will execute your script through a temporary file, making it impossible to load external relative files using #include. Absolute paths will always work.

Log to the console

This extension has an internal module that recreates JavaScript's console module, including a way to log a JSON.stringify response.

You can use functions in your code such as:

console.log( 'Hello' );
// Returns: [log: 16:16:2.649] Hello 'Hello' );
// Returns: [info: 16:16:23.823] Hello

console.error( 'Hello' );
// Returns: [error: 16:16:37.985] Hello

console.stringify( { foo : 'bar' } );
// Returns: [stringify: 16:16:50.185] {
    "foo": "bar"

This extension also allows the use of ExtendScript's native $.write and $.writeln functions to log to the console using JSON.stringify.

$.writeln( "Hello" );
// Returns: [log: 16:20:34.337] "Hello"

$.write( "Hello" );
// Returns: [log: 16:20:37.171] "Hello"

A console will show up at the bottom of your editor displaying any messages returned from the executed script. Errors will display in red.

Known Limitations


MIT © Javier Aroche