Atom text editor.
Underscore template syntax highlighter and syntax validator with custom delimiters for the
New Issue or email me. Thanks!
Any contributions are greatly appreciated. If you want me to add snippets, please make aInstallation
apm install atom-underscore
Please visit the package settings page or your config.cson file to change the delimiters that you use in your underscore templates.
- Always use valid regular expressions that follow the style in Underscore's Template Settings. (I prefer Mustache style as you can see in the screenshot below.)
Delimiter colors are up to you
- Just add a style in your Atom stylesheet that overwrites
Validate your template at any time
- Right-click in the editor pane and click on Validate Underscore Template
- Find the Atom Underscore package in the Packages menu
- Shift-Cmd-U at any time
Author Note
Released by Dan Borstelmann on November 6, 2016.