Atomic-Wars Atom Package
Technologies: Javascript, Coffeescript, Jasmine, Atom
Makers Academy - Week 9 Group Project
this product was undertaken in "practice project" week at makers academy, we set ourselves a project that we were interested in.
Team Members
Codewars Atom package that creates and manages a GitHub repo and lets you work in your preferred environment.
To install the Atom Package
$ git clone
$ cd Atomic-Wars
$ apm install
User Stories
As a user
So I code in my preferred environment
I would like to download kata into Atom from Codewars
As a user
so I can store my kata
I would like a description, code and test files to be created
As a user
So that I can complete the kata
I would like to upload my code to Codewars
Beyond MVP
As a user
So that I can learn several languages
I would like it to support multiple languages
as a job hunter
So I can get hired
I want a GitHub repo of all my solutions
As a user
So that I can keep track of my progress
I would like to display the history
As a user
So that I can continue with existing katas
I would like to fetch old katas for editing
As a user
So I have as little stress as possible
I would like setup to be reduced
As a user
So I can do TDD
I would like to disable fetching the tests
In Atom
Atomic-Wars: New # Creates a new Kata
Atomic-Wars: Submit # Submits completed Kata to Codewars