An Atom plugin to keep Grandpa Beck happy
This package will automatically:
- replace unnecessary double quotes in Ruby with single quotes
- correct spacing around brackets
- correct spacing around parentheses
``` my_method( bad_spacing ) my_hash = {has: bad_spacing, and: "double quotes"} puts "These quotes stay: #{my_hash}" puts "Won't change strings with ' in them" end ```
will become:
my_hash = { has: bad_spacing, and: 'double quotes' }
puts "These quotes stay: #{ my_hash }"
puts "Won't change strings with ' in them"
#### Ideas for the future:
Right now running `beckifier: beckify` will replace everything.
I'm planning to split each action into it's own command to:
beckifier: quotes
beckifier: brackets
beckifier: parentheses
beckifier: beckify # does all of the above
#### Issues:
Right now interpolation brackets are getting spaces added. Not sure I want that. `"#{string}"` becomes `"#{ string }"`
#### Contributing:
Feel free to send me a pull request!