#Blade templating snippets for Atom
Laravel 5 blade snippets! useful snippets for the Blade Templating Engine to use in Atom.
Converted from blade-snippets for sublime using the sublime to atom script.
These snippets will trigger only in *.blade.php
Type any snippet and hit TAB to receive incredible results!.
echo + TAB = {{ $var
Checkout the Available blade snippets.
I recommend this Blade language Package for Atom to be able to take full advantage of the Blade Templating Engine in this amazing editor.
##Available snippets
Shortcut | Result |
}} or echo or print | {{ $var }} |
!! or uecho or uprint | {!! $var !!} |
sec or section | @section('name ') @endsection |
sshow or secs | @section('name ') @show |
inc or include | @include('view.name ', ['some' => 'data'] ) |
ext or extends | @extends('name ') |
yl or yield | @yield('section ') |
par or parent | @parent |
if | @if (condition ) @endif |
ife | @if (condition ) @else @endif |
for | @for ($i = 0 ; $i < … ; $i++ ) @endfor |
while | @while (condition ) @endwhile |
un or unless | @unless (condition ) @endunless |
fea or foreach | @foreach($array as $element ) @endforeach |
fel or forelse | @forelse ($array as $element ) @endforelse |
each | @each ('item.view ', $items , 'item ', 'empty.view ') |
trans | {!! trans('language.line ') !!} |
route | {!! route('name ') !!} |
asset | {!! asset('path ') !!} |
action | {!! link_to_action('Controller@method ') !!} |
choice | @choice('language.line ', $number ) |
comment or // | {{-- comment --}} |
Feel free to contribute!
As of today, i am a complete noob at making atom packages, if there is any error, suggestion, improvement, etc, to point or make, feel free to do so.