bracket-matcher Bundled

Highlight the matching bracket for the `(){}[]` character under the cursor. Move the cursor to the matching bracket with `ctrl-m`.







Bracket Matcher package

Highlights and jumps between [], (), and {}. Also highlights matching XML and HTML tags.

Autocompletes [], (), {}, "", '', “”, ‘’, «», ‹›, and backticks by default.

Use ctrl-m to jump to the bracket matching the one adjacent to the cursor. It jumps to the nearest enclosing bracket when there's no adjacent bracket,

Use ctrl-cmd-m to select all the text inside the current brackets.

Use alt-cmd-. to close the current XML/HTML tag.


Matching brackets and quotes are sensibly inserted for you. If you dislike this functionality, you can disable it from the Bracket Matcher section of the Settings View.

Custom Pairs

You can customize matching pairs in Bracket Matcher at any time. You can do so either globally via the Settings View or at the scope level via your config.cson. Changes take effect immediately.

fn main() {
    | <---- Cursor positioned at one indent level higher

Scoped settings

In addition to the global settings, you are also able to add scope-specific modifications to Pulsar in your config.cson. This is especially useful for editor rule changes specific to each language. Scope-specific settings override package defaults and global settings. Example:

    autocompleteCharacters: [