
Display and manipulate a breakdown structure of your Jira Scrum project - even offline and only eventually connected to your Jira system







This package provides the following services:

This package consumes the following services:

Jira Breakdown for Atom

Display and manipulate a breakdown structure of your Jira Scrum project - even offline and only eventually connected to your Jira system.



Atom GUI

  1. Install Atom
  2. Launch Atom
  3. Open Settings View using ⌘-, on a Mac and CTRL-, on other platforms
  4. Click the Install tab on the left side
  5. Enter breakdown in the search box and press Enter
  6. Click the "Install" button that appears

Command line

Alternatively, use your terminal to install the breakdown package.

  1. Install Atom
  2. In the terminal, install the breakdown package via apm
apm install breakdown

Issues and improvements

Please file an issue on GitHub for bugs or desired improvements. Refer to the release notes to get information about release contents.


In this explanation the CMD key stands for on a Mac and CTRL on other platforms.

Breakdown will ask you for your Jira credentials when required. You can configure the Breakdown package to have your credentials stored for you, so you would provide them only one-time, which is more convenient. To configure the Breakdown package accordingly, in Atom, press CMD-, to enter the Atom configuration, go to Packages, go to filter packages by name and key in breakdown. For the Breakdown package click on Settings. In the upcoming settings pane, provide your Username and your API Token (you password could go in here as well but that´s not recommended).

How to use

To pull Jira data into your Atom editor or push new issues and changes from Atom to Jira, create a file with a .bkdn filetype, e.g. myjira.bkdn. The file must start with your configuration section and at least contain the following first five lines:

url: <Jira URL>
project: <key of Jira project you want to create new issues in>
query: <any Jira JQL query to select your download dataset>

A word of caution

Whenever you change the url or the query of your .bkdn file, your direct next step should be to pull the data from Jira that is described by your configuration. Otherwise, you might run into inconsistencies when changing contents in Atom and pushing back those changes to Jira!

Pulling from Jira

Select Packages → Breakdown → Pull from Jira to get your selected Jira dataset into Atom. Whenever you pull the Jira dataset into your Atom editor, all contents of the editor will be overwritten by the downloaded Jira dataset.

Optionally, you can define in your configuration section to visualize the epic link key for stories and the parent issue key for sub-tasks.

options: parentkey

Any story that is contained in the current sprint will be prefixed by . An epic that contains stories which are in the current sprint will also be prefixed with .

Working with the editor

By default, after a pull, all editor lines are folded. In the editor, folding can be controlled with the following keys

Saving the editor contents with CMD-S will beautify your text with correct spacing and indentation.

You can open an issue inside of Jira by doing a CMD-MOUSECLICK on the issue key.

Remove all empty lines that came during your formatting via Packages → Breakdown → Trim empty lines.

Creating and modifying issues

Jira issues can be created and modified inside of the Atom editor. It´s always one issue per line. A new issue must contain at least the Jira issue type and the summary. The changes need to be pushed to Jira to be effective.

In the following example a new epic is created, containing a new story which again contains a new sub-task:

Epic This will become a new epic
    Story This will become a new story inside of a new epic
        Sub This will become a new sub-task inside of a new story inside of a new epic

For any issue, the following Jira fields can be modified: status, assignee, story points, fixversion, components, summary, and descriptionn For epics and stories even changing the issuetype is allowed. A full-fledged issue will be displayed like:

Story REST-32 As a developer, I want to have the story status highlighted (s:In Progress a:admin p:13 v:Version 3.0 c:Frontend)

An issue will start with the issue type, which can be an epic, a story or a sub-task. It´s allowed to change epics into stories and stories into epics.

Issues which are already available in Jira will have the Jira issue key.

The next part of the issue is the summary, which is free text.

The summary is followed by a parentheses section, containing:

You get autocompletion suggestions for all of the fields in the parentheses section - except for the story points. Autocompletion will only work while you are connected to your Jira server. In a situation where you are working offline, you should add the offline option to your configuration. This will avoid network failures in the context of autocompletion.

options: offline

Issue descriptions

The issue description typically contains more text than what can be put into the summary field. You can create issue descriptions by starting a new line below of an issue with the double slash //.

It would look like

Story REST-32 As a developer, I want to have the story status highlighted (s:In Progress a:admin p:13 v:Version 3.0 c:Frontend)
    //A highlighted story status will allow to quickly identify if a story is completed.
    //Let´s make life a little bit easier here!

Acceptance Criteria

Similar to descriptions, the acceptance criteria can be added to Stories and Epics. The acceptance criteria has to be introduce by the keyword Acceptance in one line, followed by the description of the acceptance criteria in multiple subsequent lines.

I would look like

Story REST-32 As a developer, I want to have the story status highlighted (s:In Progress a:admin p:13 v:Version 3.0 c:Frontend)
    //A highlighted story status will allow to quickly identify if a story is completed.
    //Let´s make life a little bit easier here!
    //Story is shown green when in done status category, and not green otherwise


Atom has a nice function to move entire lines up and down with CTRL-↑ and CTRL-↓, on Mac it´s CTRL-⌘-↑ and CTRL-⌘-↓.

Breakdown for Atom leverages this function, as it allows you to change your ranking quickly and easily by still keeping a good overview of your entire breakdown structure.

If your query is not SORTED BY Rank ASC, you will mess up the ranking of your project when you apply the ranking inside of Atom and push the changes back to Jira. For this reason, ranking is a guarded feature in Breakdown for Atom - you have to activate it in your configuration section by adding the rank entry to your options, like

options: rank

To change the rank for a story with sub-tasks, select the lines that contain the story and all sub-tasks below, then apply the same command to move all selected lines at once.

Currently, you cannot rank epics or sub-tasks; only the ranking of stories is supported.

When ranking an issue this way, the issue description (if there is any) needs to be collapsed, otherwise it will not move along with the issue!

Changing parents

Move stories from one epic to the other by using the cut and paste option of your Atom editor. Cut away a story from one epic and place it under the epic where you want it to be.

Deleting issues

Issues can be removed by placing a deletion mark in front of the issue:

DEL Epic REST-26 ( s:In Progress p:13 ) This epic will be removed when pushed

What is not possible from within Atom

Pushing to Jira

Select Packages → Breakdown → Push to Jira to push your changes to Jira. A push is always followed by an automatic pull to bring a current dataset back into your editor. If some issues could not be pushed, you will receive a warning notification with the reason code. Also, those issues will disappear from the editor. Use the editor UNDO function to let those issues reappear.

For the creation of epics and stories from within Atom, you can optionally define in your configuration section a default fixversion and the default amount of story points to assign to those epics and stories when pushing them to Jira. So you don´t need to specify those values for each newly created issue in Atom. However, you can overwrite the setting in each issue. Configure with:

fixversion: <your default fixversion>
points: <the default amount of points>

Guarded pushing

By default, every .bkdn file has two push guards activated in the options section of the configuration. These are create and updateself (even if you do not provide the options at all, they will be added automatically and visualized after a push or pull operation).

options: create updateself

The two push guards ensure that you can only push new issues, as well as modifications of issues with the current user being the issue assignee. Which means: you can create new issues and update your´s.

The following push guards are allowed to be combined:

The entire pushing can be disabled by activating nopush in the options section, like:

options: nopush

Configuration reference

Below is a configuration section with all possible configurations. Mandatory are only the settings for url, project and query.

url: <Jira URL>
project: <key of Jira project you want to create new issues in>
query: <any Jira JQL query to select your download dataset>
fixversion: <your default fixversion>
points: <the default amount of points>
options: create update updateself delete nopush rank offline parentkey statistics


Package configuration

In addition to the configuration section of the .bkdn file, you can make some settings at the level of the breakdown package. Press CMD-, and navigate to the packages tab. Search for the breakdown package and click on Settings. You will find the following configuration options: