
Make build targets available as atom commands

Kay-Uwe (Kiwi) Lorenz <> (






Build System

This package enables you to call cake, make, apm, npm commands from command palette.

If you have a Cakefile with targets "foo" and "bar", you will find "Build: Cake Foo" and "Build: Cake Bar" commands. Commands are changed dynamically, if you add a task to that file, it will be added to command palette.

After a build has finished, you can cycle through build results using F4 for next result and shift-f4 for previous result. Hit ENTER to open file and jump to specified location.

This is under development


Build-Systems searches all packages folders for a subfolder build-systems/. If it exists, files from there are read and interpreted as build systems, if suitable. For now only ".coffee" is fully supported. ".cson" and ".json" and ".sublime-build" are planned.

Here build-systems/ as an example:

module.exports = (builder) ->
  {BuildSystemProvider} = builder

  class Cake extends BuildSystemProvider
    buildTool: "cake"
    buildFiles: "Cakefile"

    getCommands: ->
      @buildFile =>
        @getLines (line) ->
          if /^cake/.test line
            [cmd, desc] = line.replace(/^cake\s+/, '').split(/\s*#\s*/, 1)
            name = cmd.replace(/\W/, '-').replace(/--+/, '-')
            commands[name] = cmd.split /\s+/


This package is forked from In the first place I wanted to contribute, but then I realized, that I rewrote almost everything and there was only little left from original package, so I decided to create an own package.