
A light UI theme for Atom. (Because there are not enough light UI themes.)







Calculator Light UI theme

A light UI theme for Atom/Pulsar.

calculator-light-ui screenshot

A lot like One Light, but with a bit more personality and opinion.


Base Color

Many of the colors in this theme are variations on a single hue value in the hsl spectrum. In this theme’s settings you can choose a new base color. Remember that only the hue component of the color will be used, so it doesn’t matter how dark or light the color is.

The new color scheme will be applied when you leave the color picker.

Manage Mini Editors

“Mini-editors” are small text fields (usually one-liners) that still behave much like regular-sized Atom text editors. Examples include the find/replace text fields and the palette search fields that you type into when you open the command palette or the file finder.

Usually, the syntax theme (not the UI theme) is responsible for styling these fields. But if this option is checked, calculator-light-ui will apply its own override styles for mini-editors. Enable this option if you want mini-editors to have light backgrounds without any syntax highlighting, as depicted in the screenshot above.

If you update Atom/Pulsar or your theme packages and find that your mini-editors don’t look how you expect, toggle this setting off and on to restore the expected behavior.