
Allows annotation your code.







cc-annotator package

The cc-annotator is a plugin for atom, which allows the user to annotate code. Therefor two types of annotations exist. First create custom annotations for a specific file. Second upload patterns which are used to annotate files automatically.


Either just search the plugin via Packages > Settings View > Install Packages/Themes or use the terminal apm install cc-annotator


Annotate code

To annotate a file open the specific file, right click and select Annotator > Annotate Code. In case you did not annotated a file from this opened project, you will be asked to select a server side project. \ To not display the annotations anymore, right click in the specific file and select Annotator > Remove Annotation from Text Editor.

Create custom annotations

First select the specific tokens of the annotation, then right click and select Annotator > Create Custom Annotation. In the now show pop-up window you can add additional information to the annotation.

Create detection patterns

To update the patterns used by the server to generate automized annotations select Packages > Annotator > Update Regular Expressions.

View Dashboard

View information about the currently opened file and its folder by selecting select Packages > Annotator > Open Dashboard.