
Syntax theme for HTML, CSS, LESS, SASS, SCSS, JavaScript and JSON







chameleon-dark-syntax theme

Atom syntax theme for HTML, CSS, LESS, SASS, SCSS, JavaScript and JSON. It is a syntax theme only, and will not affect the Atom UI (it works with both the Light UI scheme, and Dark UI scheme). Recommended using with seti-ui.


Run the following command:

apm install chameleon-dark-syntax

Then go to Atom > Preferences > Themes and in the Syntax Themes dropdown, select Chameleon Dark from the list.

chameleon-dark-syntax theme for Atom

chameleon-dark-syntax theme for Atom

Optional customization for seti-ui theme

These are optional preferences to work with the seti-ui.

Go to Atom > Open Your Stylesheet and in the css file, past the following styles:

.editor {
  // change cursor to alien green
  .cursor {
    color: #00FF00;
// change seti-ui html tree icon to green
.name.icon[data-name*=".html"] {
  &.icon-file-text:before {
    color: #408000;
// change seti-ui styles tree icon to purple
.name.icon[data-name*=".css"] {
  &.icon-file-text:before  {
    color: #C21BFF;

.tab-bar .tab {
  // change seti-ui styles tab icon to purple
  .title[data-name*=".scss"]:before {
    color: #C21BFF;
  // change seti-ui html tab icon to green
  .title[data-name*=".html"]:before {
    color: #408000;
  // change seti-ui selected tab to gray
  &.active:before {
    border-bottom: solid 4px #555;
// change tree view selected to gray
.focusable-panel:focus .selected:before {
	background: #555;