chatgpt-code-helper Made for Pulsar!

Fix and create code using ChatGPT







Pulsar chatgpt-code-helper package

Prompt ChatGPT right from the Pulsar editor!

Give ChatGPT a prompt, select it and enable the package, the required code will be returned automatically!

How to:

Before using this plugin make sure you have a working ChatGPT API key.

You must specify the API Key inside Pulsar config.

Also you can specify optional parameters such as model name (Model) and system prompt (CustomInstructions).

Specify these keys in your .pulsar/config.cson:

  APIKey: "sk-proj-YOUR-API-KEY"
  CustomInstructions: "You are a code helper, ..."
  Model: "gpt-4o"

After specifying the key, reload Pulsar.

Now you can use the package.

While editing any file, write your prompt right in the editor and select the required text, after that click on "Prompt ChatGPT" in the context menu or simply press Ctrl+Alt+K.

All selected text will be sent to ChatGPT, so you can generate new code by selecting only prompt string or fix existing code by selecting fix prompt and the code that needs to be fixed.
