
Displays color previews for hex, rgb(a), hsl(a), named colors, gradients, and all 255 ansi color codes in the gutter as colored pills.

Vertagon Softworks






The Chromo Package

Chromo makes working with colors easier by adding color previews to the gutter. This gutter can be toggled on or off. Chromo will pick up color names and codes from all types of files and text (for this reason it may sometimes pick up colors in places you didn't expect).

More info: Vertagon Chromo

Currently Supported color types

  1. Hex color codes (Ex: #000fff)
  2. RGB color codes (Ex: rgb(0,0,255))
  3. RGBa color codes (Ex: rgba(0,0,255,0.5))
  4. HSL color codes (Ex: hsl(240, 100%, 50%))
  5. HSLa color codes (Ex: hsla(240, 100%, 50%, .5))
  6. CSS color names (Ex: blue, Blue, etc.)
  7. 8 ansi escape code colors (Ex: \u001b[34m, \e[01;34m, etc.)
  8. 16 ansi escape code colors (Ex: \u001b[34;1m)
  9. 255 ansi escape code colors (Ex: \u001b[38;5;4m)
  10. linear gradients (Ex: linear-gradient(green, blue))
  11. radial gradients (Ex: radial-gradient(yellow, green, blue))

demo image here

Multi-Preview Lines

By default, each line can display up to 10 previews at a time (can be configured to allow more). The gutter will expand to accomodate more preview pills. These previews will be displayed in the same order that they appear in the text.

demo image here

Composite Previews

Some color/gradient types have the potential to contain other colors within them such as gradients that use hex codes to identify their colors. By default, these "composite" color codes that make up a larger color code will NOT be displayed as previews, but this can be turned on in the settings via the "Show Composite Colors" option.

demo image here

Color Highlighting

Hovering over a preview pill with your mouse will highlight its respective code in the document. By default, the text will be highlighted with the color it represents. This behavior can be modified in the settings to alternatively use the default neutral highlight color of the text editor or to be turned off all together.

demo image here

A Note About ANSI Colors

Chromo attempts to identify common ANSI escape code colors for shells. It is important to note that not all shells/terminals implement colors in the same ways or at all. Additionally, the potential for wildcards and special cases makes it difficult to fully predict how an escape code color will look on any platform. For these reasons, please understand that the previews for ANSI colors are only hints and do not necessarily reflect the exact look on any shell. Chromo uses a set of Xterm defined colors as a baseline.