
Easily generate classes and methods.







This package provides the following services:

Class Complete

Class Complete is a plugin for Atom, that allows the user to easily generate classes.

Table of Contents


In the future, it will be easier to contribute to it's development. For now please read


All you need to write is a classdef (Class Definition) that describes the class you want to create, select it, then press <ctrl-shift-space>.

The basic structure of a classdef is as follows: <class_name>:<parameters>;<methods>:<extending_class_name>.


The <parameter> section is structured as follows: (@)<name>((!|^)<(type|instance)>), ....


The <methods> section is structured as follows: (@)<name>(+<arguments>, ...)/....


The <extending_class_name> section defines the class that the new class will extend.


Simple class creation

These examples are for JavaScript.

The classdef Class becomes:

Class = (function() {
	function Class() {

	return Class;

Class with parameters

The classdef Class:a,b,c becomes:

Class = (function() {
	function Class(a, b, c) {

	return Class;

Class with member parameters

The classdef Class:@a,@b,@c becomes:

Class = (function() {
	function Class(a, b, c) {
		this.a = a;
		this.b = b;
		this.c = c;

	return Class;

Class with parameters and type checking

Checking type

The classdef Class:a!string becomes:

Class = (function() {
	function Class(a) {
		if (typeof a !== "string") throw new Error("Parameter 'a' expects to be type 'string'");

	return Class;

Checking instance

The classdef Class:a^Class2 becomes:

Class = (function() {
	function Class(a) {
		if (!(a instanceof Class2)) throw new Error("Parameter 'a' expects to be instance of 'Class2'");

	return Class;

Class with methods

Member method

The classef Class:;hello becomes:

Class = (function() {
	function Class() {

	Class.prototype.hello = function() {

	return Class;

Static method

The classdef Class:;@hello becomes:

Class = (function() {
	function Class() {

	Class.hello = function() {

	return Class;

Member method with parameters

The classdef Class:;hello+name,age becomes:

Class = (function() {
	function Class() {

	Class.prototype.hello = function(name, age) {

	return Class;

Extending classes

The classdef Class::Class2 becomes:

Class = (function() {
	function Class() {
		Class2.apply(this, arguments);

	Class.prototype = Object.create(Class2.prototype);
	Class.prototype.constructor = Class;

	return Class;

All together

The classdef Person:@name!string,@age!number;setName+@name!string/setAge+@age!number/hello+name!string:Homosapian becomes:

Person = (function() {
	function Person(name, age) {
		Homosapian.apply(this, arguments);

		if (typeof name !== "string") throw new Error("Parameter 'name' expects to be type 'string'");
		if (typeof age !== "number") throw new Error("Parameter 'age' expects to be type 'number'"); = name;
		this.age = age;

	Person.prototype = Object.create(Homosapian.prototype);
	Person.prototype.constructor = Person;

	Person.prototype.setName = function(name) {
		if (typeof name !== "string") throw new Error("Parameter 'name' expects to be type 'string'"); = name;

	Person.prototype.setAge = function(age) {
		if (typeof age !== "number") throw new Error("Parameter 'age' expects to be type 'number'");

		this.age = age;

	Person.prototype.hello = function(name) {
		if (typeof name !== "string") throw new Error("Parameter 'name' expects to be type 'string'");

	return Person;