
Code comment generator







commentator package

A source code comment plug-in for the atom editor.


Run apm install commentator or search for the commentator plug-in from within Atom's settings.

Supported Languages

Currently only the C language is supported with default docBlocks tailored for Linux kernel development.


In the editor type /** then press Enter. If the string is immediately preceding a declaration or function, a docBlock style comment will be generated with tab-able content.

Enter /* and Enter to generate a normal multi-line comment. Press Shift + Enter to quickly create a comment block.
Highlight text and press Shift + Enter to wrap.
Place cursor anywhere inside a /* */ block and press Shift + Enter to unwrap.
Pressing Enter within an existing comment will continue that comment onto the next line.


Don't like the style of of the generated docBlock? Then use your own template.

For the c language, create the file ~/.atom/commentator/c.js (any file format importable by require is supported). OR, for project specific templates, add the following to package.json in the projects root directory:

  "commentator": {
    "c": "/path/to/template.js"

The file must export a single function:

/** @babel */

export default function (node, {Line, Tab, Align}) {
    Line("A single line: ",, Align(3), Tab('[tabbable selection]'))


The Tab and Align functions return strings making them safe to use in string interpolation. You do not need to wrap the template in /** and */, or account for leading tab/space characters.


Currently, the underlying parser for the 'c' grammar doesn't handle attributes very well. A workaround is to temporarily remove the attribute, generate the docBlock then replace. This is not something that can be fixed within this module.


The backend uses atoms tree-sitter package to generate AST nodes, though you do not need to have Tree Sitter Parsers enabled. Adding support for new languages should be relatively simple provided said language has a TS grammar.