
A syntax highlighting theme for MagicPython based off One Dark.







Dark Snek Syntax theme

A syntax highlighting theme for MagicPython based off 'One Dark' with lots of tweaks to the existing colors and several Python-specific syntax highlighting features not taken advantage of in the original.

It blends in cleanly with the 'One Dark' UI theme, but any dark ui theme should do.

Non-python languages will still retain the base syntax highlighting from the 'One Dark' syntax theme.



Search for it under Install in the Atom settings menu. Make sure to look for Themes and not Packages. It can then be activated by going to the Settings > Themes section and selecting it from the Syntax Themes drop-down menu.


teal        - for built-ins, magic methods, types etc.
orange      - Class name color in class def and various misc uses (such as the curly braces in f-strings, constants, the ellipsis, etc.)
yellow      - for 'class', 'def', and 'lambda' keywords

lightblue   - for singletons (None, True, False), numeric literals (1, 1.5, 2e3, etc.), and, arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, //, %, etc.)
darkblue    - for functions and method names in defs, as well as in calls

lightpurple - for flow control (for, while, if, else, try, except, finally, with, raise), and imports
darkpurple  - for function and method arguments (except those highlighted especially as lightred), and all assignment operators (=, +=, etc.)

lightgreen  - for strings
darkgreen   - for logical operators (and, or, not, in, is), comparison operators (==, !=, >, <, etc.) and bitwise operators (&, |, ~, etc.). Basically anything that resolves to True or False.

lightred    - for important non-keyword variable names like 'self', 'cls', etc.
darkred     - for errors

I've also redone the regex syntax (available for strings that are preceded by a lower-case 'r') like so:

teal        - for normal characters that match themselves
orange      - for named group assignments (e.g. '(?P<SomeName>SomeRegex)')
yellow      - for the start-of-string ('^') and end-of-sring ('$') anchors

lightblue   - for ordinary escaped sequences with no special meaning (e.g. '\(', '\.')
darkblue    - for character groups (e.g. '[abc]', '[A-Za-z0-1]')

lightpurple - for special escaped characters representing character groups (e.g. '\d', '\w') and the match-anything operator ('.')
darkpurple  - for the opening and closing parentheses of capture groups as well as backreferences to previous capture groups (e.g. '\1', '(?P=SomeName)')

lightgreen  - for forward-references ('(?=SomeRegex)') and back-references ('(?<=SomeRegex)')
darkgreen   - for quantifiers (e.g. '*', '+', '?', '{1,3}', etc.)

lightred    - for negated forward-references ('(?!SomeRegex)') and negated back-references ('(?<!SomeRegex)')
darkred     - for the negation operator ('^') in a character group (e.g. '[^abc]')

Everything else is unchanged from the One Dark theme.