
An interactive debugger frontend







This package provides the following services:

This package consumes the following services:

dbg package

An interactive debugger frontend

Debug screenshot

Debug screenshot


Current available backends:

Please install a backend to get started!


dbg:debug - Begins a new debug session, or continues an existing
dbg:continue - Continues a paused, active debug session
dbg:pause - Pause
dbg:pause-continue - Toggle pause/continue (or begin anew if none active)
dbg:step-over - Step over the current line of code
dbg:step-in - Step into the current procedure
dbg:step-out - Complete and step out of the current procedure
dbg:stop - Stop debugging
dbg:toggle-breakpoint - Toggle a breakpoint on the currently active line
dbg:clear-breakpoints - Clear all breakpoints

dbg:custom-debug - Opens the debug configuration panel
dbg:select-config - Opens the select list for choosing a saved debug configuration (.atom-dbg files)

Debug Configuration Files:

If you need access to more options than are available in the config panel or you want to save different debug configs for easy use, you can click the save button from the debug config panel or create/amend a config file in the root directory of your project directory.

Supported files/formats:
.atom-dbg.json - Config file in JSON format
.atom-dbg.cson - Config file in CSON format


This cson example creates debug configurations client and server, which can then be selected by starting a new debug session, or with the dbg:select-config command:

	debugger: 'dbg-gdb'
	cwd: 'client'
	path: 'client/bin'
	args: ['--connect', '1234']

	debugger: 'dbg-gdb'
	cwd: 'server'
	path: 'server/bin'
	args: ['--port', '1234']

Config Parameters:

debugger - Optional. Specifies which debugger backend to use (If omitted a suitable backend will be selected automatically, based on the path target file)
file - The target file to debug

Refer to the specific backend documentation for a list of all other supported parameter options

Service: dbg

Returns an object with the following events and functions:


start - A debug session has begun
stop - A debug session has ended


debug(options?):Promise<Bool> - Attempt to start a new debug session (any existing session will be stop()ed first)

Example: dbg.debug({ path: './myProg', args: ['testmode'] });

options - An optional object with the following properties:

debugger - Optional. The name of the dbg provider to use. (This can be omitted to auto-detect)
path - Optional. The path to the file to debug
args - Optional. An array of arguments to pass to the file being debugged
cwd - Optional. The working directory to use when debugging
basedir - Optional. The base dir for any relative paths
... - Optional. Custom debugger arguments

If a debugger is not specified, every dbg provider will be queried with the options object provided;
The first provider to respond as being compatible will be selected
Note that the options supported vary depending on dbg providers, but path, args and cwd are recommended as defaults if relevant to the target

Returns a promise that fulfills as true if a valid dbg provider is found, or false if not.

If no options are passed and the user has configured valid settings in the config panel, these will be used instead. Alternatively, the config panel will be displayed and the returned promise will immediately fulfill as true.

stop() - Cancel the currently active debug session

customDebug(options?) - Displays the configuration panel

options - An optional object with the following properties:

debugger - Optional. The name of the dbg provider to use. If set to an empty string, "automatic" will be selected
path - Optional. The path to the file to debug
args - Optional. An array of arguments to pass to the file being debugged
cwd - Optional. The working directory to use when debugging

continue() - Continue
pause() - Pause
pause_continue() - Pause or continue (toggle)

stepOver() - Step over the current line of code
stepIn() - Step into the current procedure
stepOut() - Complete and step out of the current procedure

addBreakpoint(path:String, line:Int) - Add breakpoint at the specified location

path - The absolute file path
line - The line number (1-based)

removeBreakpoint(path:String, line:Int) - Remove a breakpoint at the specified location

path - The absolute file path
line - The line number (1-based)

toggleBreakpoint(path:String, line:Int) - Toggle a breakpoint at the specified location

path - The absolute file path
line - The line number (1-based)

getBreakpoints() - Return an array of all breakpoints. Each array item has the following properties:

path - The absolute file path
line - The line number (1-based)

hasBreakpoint(path:String, line:Int) - Toggles a breakpoint at the specified location

path - The absolute file path
line - The line number (1-based)

Consumed service: dbgProvider

To create a dbg provider provide a dbgProvider service with the following properties:

name - The name of this provider
description - A brief one-line description of this provider

canHandleOptions(options):Promise<Bool> - A function that returns a promise that fulfilling as true if it is compatible with the provided debug options, or false if it is not

options - The options parameter passed to debug() of the dbg service

debug(options, api) - A function to begin debugging

options - The options parameter passed to debug() of the dbg service
api - An object containing the following properties:

breakpoints - An array of all breakpoints currently present
Each item in the array contains the following properties:

path - The absolute file path
line - The line number (1-based)

ui - An object containing the following functions for controlling the dbg frontend:

setStack(stack:Frame[]) - Set the stacktrace display to the specified items.
Frames are ordered from bottom to top, with index 0 being the entrypoint of the program and the highest index being the current executing location

Each Frame should have the following properties:

name - The friendly name of this location ("main()" etc)
local:Bool - Specifes if the location is locally accessible, or a system location (hidden by default unless at the top of the stack)
file - Optional. The absolute file path path - The displayed technical path (file.c:4, file.so:xbaadf00d etc)
line - The line number (1-based)
error - Optional. If there is an error associated with this frame this should be a brief description (e.g. "Division by zero")

setVariables(variables:Variable[]) - The list of variables visible in the currently active frame

Each Variable should have the following properties:

name - The name of the variable
type - Optional. The type of the variable (as a String)
value - Optional. The value of the variable (as a String)
expandable - Optional. If true this variable may contain child properties. If expanded by the user getVariableChildren() will be called to retrieve them

setFrame(frameIndex:Int) - Set this index in the stack as the currently active frame, and navigate the Atom to this file and location if it exists
If this frame in the stack is a system location then all system frames will be shown

running() - Mark the debug as current running
paused() - Mark the debug as currently paused
stop() - Abort the current debug in process (this will call stop() for the dbg service internally and then stop() on this packages dbgProvider)

showWarning(warning:String) - Display the specified warning
showError(error:String) - Display the specified error

getVariableChildren(name):Promise<Variable[]> - Optional. If any variables are marked as expandable this function may be called to retrieve them
It will be passed the full dot-seperated path of the variable
It should return a promise that fulfills an array of child variables, also with the following properties:

name - The name of the variable
type - Optional. The type of the variable (as a String)
value - Optional. The value of the variable (as a String)
expandable - Optional. If true this variable may contain child properties. If expanded by the user getVariableChildren() will again be called to retrieve them

stop() - This function is called when debugging has ceased
Once this has been called the api property passed to start() should no longer be accessed

continue() - This function is called when the user request the debugger continue
pause() - This function is called when the user request the debugger pause

selectFrame() - This function is called when the user selects a frame from the stacktrace

stepOver() - This function is called when the user requests a step over
stepIn() - This function is called when the user requests step into
stepOut() - This function is called when the user requests step out

addBreakpoint(breakpoint:Breakpoint) - This function is called if the user adds a breakpoint during an active debug session
The breakpoint contains the following properties:

path - The absolute file path
line - The line number (1-based)

removeBreakpoint(breakpoint:Breakpoint) - This function is called if the user removes a breakpoint during an active debug session
The breakpoint contains the following properties:

path - The absolute file path
line - The line number (1-based)