
Find in HTML files with CSS selectors

Keegan Street






Element Finder package for Atom

Find in HTML files with CSS selectors.

Element Finder searches through the HTML files in your project for any given CSS selector, and provides a list of the elements matching that selector. You can then double-click on the result to jump straight to that line in the HTML file.

To start, right-click on a folder in Tree View, and select "Find Elements in Directory".

Element Finder in action


File patterns

By default, Element Finder searches through files with an extension of .html, .htm, .shtml and .erb. You can edit this setting to include other files. But these files will need to contain HTML-like content to be parsed properly.

Exclude VCS Ignored Files

This setting tells Element Finder to exclude files that are ignored by the version control system, for example anything in the .gitignore file.

Exclude Ignored Names

This setting tells Element Finder to exclude files that are set to be ignored in the Atom core config.