
This is one of the best packages for ES6+, React and Redux packages out there








This is the best package ever created for ES6, React and Redux.

Enjoy 😄

ES6+ Snippets

log → console.log()
log snippet animation

anfn → annonymous function
annonymous function snippet

nfn→ named function
named function snippet

fn → ES5 fucntion
ES5 function snippet

imp → import statement
import statement snippet

imd → import statement desctructured
import statement with destructuring snippet

ime → import everything as
import everything snippet

fof → for of loop
for of loop snippet

fin → for in loop
for in loop snippet

met → method
method snippet

seto → setTimeout
setTimeout snippet

npro → new Promise
npro snippet

catch → catch() with nested annonymous function
catch method snippet

then → then() with nested annonymous function
then function snippet

React Snippets

rcc → React Class Based Component
React component snippet

cpwm → | componentWillMount Method
componentWillMount snippet

cla → | className attribute
className attribute snippet

React Redux Snippets

rcredux → Renders a React connected component
React connected component snippet

mapSta → mapStateToProps function
mapStateToProps function snippet

mapDis → mapDispatchToProps
mapDispatchToProps function snippet

Redux Snippets

rxconst → creates redux constant
redux constant snippet

rxaction → redux action
redux action snippet

rxreducer → Redux reducer template
redux reducer snippet


This software is provided to you as open source, free of charge. The time and effort to develop and maintain this project is dedicated by @papaponmx. If you (or your employer) benefit from this project, please consider a financial contribution. Your contribution helps continue the efforts that produce this and other open source software.

Funds are accepted via PayPal and Bitcoin Cash in this wallet qqve8s6trj0wxquq24zlpp9u4d6g7zdt7us2tsus67. Any amount is appreciated.