Additional file icons for the Atom Editor. Optimized for atom-dark-ui/atom-light-ui based themes. Compatible with Unity, Seti, and others.
In Atom, open Preferences > Packages, search for file-icon-supplement
package. Once found, click the Install
button to install this package.
Alternately, you can install the package from console:
apm install file-icon-supplement
You may then need to restart the Atom editor.
- Icons visible in tree-view, tabs, fuzzy-finder, and find-and-replace, status-bar, grammar-status, and grammar-selector
- Toggle for each of the above areas
- Respects the "Show Icons" setting on tabs
- TODO: Full color, single color, and no color icons
- TODO: Toggle between icon options where available
- TODO: Test the find-and-replace class event
Issues and Pull Requests 🐛
Some of the features of this package rely on recent additions by myself and others to atom and may not be fully tested. Please report any problems or feature suggestions here. Pull requests are welcome.