File Templates
An Atom package for working with file templates.
Trigger File Templates: New Template
from the command palette, give your template a name and hit enter. A copy of your active file is now stored in your template store.
Trigger File Templates: New File
and select a template from the list, you will now be given a new file with the contents of the template.
Trigger File Templates: Update Template
and select a template from the list, you will now be given a modal box where you can change the name & grammar of the template. There is also a button to edit the contents of the template which opens the file from the template store in a new tab.
Trigger File Templates: Delete File
and select a template the list, this template will now be deleted.
You can add on of the predefined macros to your template, like this:
: Will be replaced with current timestamp in ISO format (i.e.2016-09-02T08:32:11.073Z
: Will be replaced with yourgit config
: Will be replaced with yourgit config
To make @author@
and @email@
work in your project, it must be a GIT repository.
You can add custom macros to your init file like so
proccess.fileTemplates = {
foo: ->
return 'new text here'
The only config for file templates is the location it saves templates, by default this is ~/.atom/file-templates
but you can set it to anything.
Planned Features
- Export/Sharing of templates
- Insert into current file