
An Atom package that provides services to create customizable panels for Atoms Docks introduced with version 1.17







This package provides the following services:

License MIT Package version

Atom Flexible-Panels

An Atom package that provides a service to create customizable panels for Atoms Docks introduced with version 1.17.


An Atom package that provides a service to create customizable panels for Atoms Docks introduced with version 1.17. This panel can log all kind of information and displays them as a table. The table columns can be customized before panel creation to provide a simple insert logic. Once a specific configuration is attached to a column all its added contents will get the same configuration and hence will get the same style. The Flexible-Panel view also provides special column types like time columns or label columns. For further information see the examples section.

Set Up

To be able to use Flexible-Panels in your project you have to include the following properties to your package.json file

"consumedServices": {
  "flexible-panels": {
    "versions": {
      ">=1.17.0": "consumeFlexiblePanels"

You should have installed this package to consume the service mentioned in the property above. If you develop packages and need this package as a dependency we recommend using the npm library Atom-Package-Deps.

In your main package file you should also include the following function:

  consumeFlexiblePanels(flexiblePanelsManager) {
    // Create flexible panel view and add entries here...

It is important that the consume function gets exported. In the example above we assume that the function is included in the export default scope. If you separately export each function you also have to add an export to the consume function.

The consumeFlexiblePanels function is called once your package gets activated. It will give you a FlexiblePanelManager object as an argument. You can use the manager to create new Flexible-Panel-Views.


The following classes and methods can be used to interact with Flexible-Panel instances.


A class that is able to create a Flexible-Panel view. It keeps track of all created views and will clean up on destruction. To get correctly working Flexible-Panel views only create those views via this manager.


Creates a new Flexible-Panel view instance that will be embedded into workspace automatically. The config object contains settings for the Flexible-Panel view that will be created. The method returns a promise that has to be resolved before it can be used to store data. The following settings can be changed via the config object:

The column specification array contains an object of properties for each column. The columns are ordered the same way the array is. The column specification object has the following properties

The label specification is similar to the column specification. A label is colored rectangle filling the available width and height of the table cell. The label is colored as specified. Labels allowing users to get a quick overview of what information was entered the table view without reading contents in detail. Each object in the label array should has the following properties:


The class represents the actual Flexible-Panel view.


This method adds an entry to the table view.


Returns the title of the given Flexible-Panel.


Returns the unique URI of the given Flexible-Panel.


Returns the default location of the given Flexible-Panel


Returns an array of allowed locations of the given Flexible-Panel


In this section we will give a few examples on how the Flexible-Panel view can be customized and configured.

The following example will become a simple command log for IDE like packages:

  consumeFlexiblePanels(flexiblePanelsManager) {
    // specify the columns for the flexible panel view
    const cols = [
      {name: 'Type', align: 'center', fixedWidth: 65, type: 'label'},
      {name: 'Description', indentWrappedText: true},
      {name: 'Time', align: 'center', fixedWidth: 95, type: 'time'}

    // specify the labels that can be used within the view
    const lbls = [
      {type: 'command', background: '#F75D59', color: '#fff'},
      {type: 'message', background: '#3090C7', color: '#fff'},
      {type: 'log', background: '#8E5287', color: '#fff'}

    // a variable that will keep the actual view
    let consoleView = null

    // get the view from the view manager. Since we get a promise we have to
    // resolve it and store the resolved view element in our variable
    const promise = flexiblePanelsManager.createFlexiblePanel({
      title: 'Console',
      columns: cols,
      labels: lbls,
      useMonospaceFont: true

    // resolve promise to get the actual view element
    promise.then((view) => {
      consoleView = view;
      consoleView.addEntry(['command', 'mkdir /Users/dlux/Desktop/test', '']);
      consoleView.addEntry(['command', 'mkdir /Users/dlux/Desktop/test/build', '']);
      consoleView.addEntry(['command', 'touch /Users/dlux/Desktop/test/main.c', '']);
      consoleView.addEntry(['message', 'Successfully created directories and main.c file', '']);
      consoleView.addEntry(['log', 'veeeeeeery -long -command -with a lot -of --parameters and -flags that' +
        '-should -be -wrapped -to next -line -automatically', '']);

The result looks as follows

If you want to develop a Linter like package the following configuration may be the right

  consumeFlexiblePanels(flexiblePanelsManager) {
    // specify the columns for the flexible panel view
    const cols = [
      {name: 'Type', align: 'center', fixedWidth: 60, type: 'label'},
      {name: 'Description', indentWrappedText: true}

    const lbls = [
      {type: 'error', background: '#F63E2E', color: '#fff'},
      {type: 'warning', background: '#FFA437', color: '#fff'}

    // a variable that will keep the actual view
    let consoleView = null;

    // get the view from the view manager. Since we get a promise we have to
    // resolve it and store the resolved view element in our variable
    const promise = flexiblePanelsManager.createFlexiblePanel({
      title: 'Console',
      columns: cols,
      labels: lbls,
      hideVerticalCellBorders: true,
      hideTableHead: true,
      addSaveButton: false,
      addClearButton: false

    // resolve promise to actual view element
    promise.then((view) => {
      consoleView = view;
      consoleView.addEntry(['warning', 'comparison between pointer and integer']);
      consoleView.addEntry(['error', 'floppyto.c:782: parse error at end of input']);
      consoleView.addEntry(['error', 'usr/lib/crt0.o: Undefined symbol _main referenced from text segment']);
      consoleView.addEntry(['error', 'Undefined symbol _initscr referenced from text segment']);
      consoleView.addEntry(['warning', 'passing arg 1 of \'cpystr\' makes integer from pointer']);
      consoleView.addEntry(['error', 'parse error at end of input']);
      consoleView.addEntry(['warning', 'implicit declaration of function `...\'']);

The result looks as follows:
