
A small package to run FreeFEM scripts in Atom







FreeFEM Runner

This package is a small plugin for running FreeFEM file (.edp) from Atom editor.


By default, the FreeFEM software needs to be install on your computer (see the FreeFEM documentation). It also needs to be in your PATH.

If not:

Register the path of the FreeFEM executable (namely FreeFem++) in the package config

Running a .edp file

FreeFEM Runner only launches .edp file.

This is 3 different ways to run the compilation :

In FreeFEM Runner tab, "Launch compilation" tag is available

Right click on your code tab, in the menu a "Launch compilation for this file" tag is clickable

For Windows/Linux users, press "ctrl+al+f". For Mac users, press "cmd+alt+f"


While running, stdin output from the command line is displayed on the bottom dock. However, all output may not be totaly sync with the running. Indeed, window displaying from the sotfware (medit or plot) is stoping output displaying in the bottom viewer.

If any of you have a solution to this bug, I look forward to discuss this problem with you.

Issues and Contributions

If anything is going wrong, don't hesitate to open a new issue.

If you're willing to contribute, feel free.

I just ask you to create a new branch called something like feature/<>

Hope you enjoy using this package

