
Control your gitlab pipelines/jobs and improve your overall workflow with gitlab.







This package consumes the following services:

Atom gitlab-manager package

Control your gitlab pipelines/jobs and improve your overall workflow with gitlab.





Complementary plugins


Once the plugin has been installed and you have filled in the mandatory information restart your atom to let the configuration take effect.
If you now open a gitlab project using Add project folder (ctrl + shift + a) and open a file in it, the plugin will be triggered and started. Once a project has been opened and loaded in a window you can also open files of other projects to view their pipeline statuses. It will add the Gitlab icon as well as one icon for every pipeline stage with it's current status. The displayed pipeline is always the last pipeline of the currently checked out branch. From there on you will have the following options:

When you have opened a pipeline stage, you can click the corresponding stage icon to close it again. In the detailed view you have full control over your pipeline jobs. You can start/retry/cancel jobs as well as you can view it's jobs logs inside of atom or download it's contents which then will be unzipped automatically.

Furthermore the following hotkeys are implemented:

Current limitations

Plans for future

Further Advice

This is only a minimal viable product without real testing or similar. it was hacked in the spare time of a couple of weeks. Since it's also my first frontend project I advice you to not have a closer look into the code if not needed. If you dare to do so no reparations will be paid in case of heart attacks, getting ventilated about it, consuming an uncommon big amount of chocolate or alike.


Thanks to blakawk whose implementation is the basis of this project. (


Reporting issues and pull requests are welcome for this project. In case of errors provide console debug output and the steps to reproduce the error. You can enable the debug output in the settings