
Wraps selected text in a hyperlink using a URL copied to the clipboard.







Hyperlink Helper

An Atom package for wrapping selected text in a hyperlink. The URL for the hyperlink comes from your clipboard.

Inspired by the similar bundle for TextMate.



In a supported language, highlight the text you want to use as the anchor text, and invoke the Hyperlink Helper: Insert command (by default mapped to Ctrl-Alt-L, or Ctrl-Opt-L on OS X).

If your clipboard holds a piece of text that could plausibly be a URL, it'll be used as the href for the link. The hyperlink will get inserted as a snippet, and the URL will be highlighted in case you need to type in something. Pressing Tab will move the cursor to the end of the hyperlink.

Supported formats

HTML and Markdown are supported out of the box. The package makes an intelligent guess as to which format to use: if the language scope is source.gfm or contains the string markdown, it'll use the Markdown anchor syntax. Otherwise it'll assume HTML.

Defining custom formats

If you need to write in a markup language that uses a different syntax for anchors (Textile, BBCode, JIRA, whatever), you can use scoped settings to tell Hyperlink Helper about that format.

To illustrate, here's the built-in format string for HTML:

<a href="{{url}}">{{text}}</a>

Nothing fancy is going on here. Any occurrence of {{text}} in the string will be replaced with the anchor text. Any occurrence of {{url}} will be replaced with the URL.

Here's what a format string for Textile would look like:


And to define it in Textile files, you'd add this to your config.cson:

    format: "\"{{text}}\":{{url}}"

In other words, the command will use any hyperlink-helper.format config value it finds for the specific scope. This will supersede the "guessing" behavior described above, so you should not set this key globally in your config.cson. Even defining the key for a broad scope selector like .text or .source is probably not wise.


Command Description
hyperlink-helper:insert Inserts an anchor tag using the selected text as the anchor text and the clipboard contents as the URL.


Command Linux OS X Windows
hyperlink-helper Ctrl-Alt-L Ctrl-Opt-L Ctrl-Alt-L

Custom keybindings can be added by referencing the above commands. To learn more, visit the Using Atom: Basic Customization or Behind Atom: Keymaps In-Depth sections in the flight manual.



MIT License - see the LICENSE for more details.