language-actr package
A very preliminary version of syntax highlighting for the cognitive modeling language ACT-R. Some keywords are recognized (e.g. ISA, chunk-type) and buffer-names are treated like functions. Code folding works (thanks to the code already written for 'normal' lisp).
Files with the extension ".lisp" are recognized and highlighted accordingly.
I copied the stuff in grammars/actr.cson mostly from a github page on lisp syntax highlighting here:
Edit the file grammars/actr.cson
if you want to add some patterns to be highlighted or change existing ones.
There is a snippet now, too. Starting to type "production" should open a suggestion on your cursor called production, if you hit enter it will write the structure for a new production.
You can fill it out using tab to go from place to place to complete.
Add or change here: snippets/language-actr.cson
This is how it looks like: