EPICS Database support in Atom
Add syntax highlighting and snippets to *.db files in Atom.
apm install language-epics
or find it in the Packages tab under Settings.
Available snippets
Trigger | Name | Body |
record | generic record | record(record_type "record_name") { } |
macro | generic macro | $(MACRO) |
field | generic field | field(field_type, "field_value") |
desc | description field | field(DESC, "description") |
val | value field | field(VAL, "value") |
prec | precision field | field(PREC, "precision") |
egu | engineering units field | field(EGU, "unit") |
pini | pini field | field(PINI, "YESNO") |
fwd | forward link field | field(FLNK, "record_name") |
scan | scan field | field(SCAN, ".1 second.2 second.5 second1 second2 second5 second10 secondI/O IntrEventPassive") |
inp | input link field | field(INP, "record_name") |
out | output link field | field(OUT, "record_name") |
dtyp | device type field | field(DTYP, "Soft Channelstream") |
dol | desired output location field | field(DOL, "record_name") |
selm | selection mechanism field | field(SELM, "AllSpecifiedMask") |
omsl | output mode select field | field(OMSL, "Supervisoryclosed_loop") |
hihi | hihi alarm limit field | field(HIHI, "float") |
high | high alarm limit field | field(HIGH, "float") |
low | low alarm limit field | field(LOW, "float") |
lolo | lolo alarm limit field | field(LOLO, "float") |
hhsv | hihi alarm severity field | field(HHSV, "NO_ALARMMINORMAJOR") |
hsv | high alarm severity field | field(HSV, "NO_ALARMMINORMAJOR") |
lsv | low alarm severity field | field(LSV, "NO_ALARMMINORMAJOR") |
llsv | lolo alarm severity field | field(LLSV, "NO_ALARMMINORMAJOR") |
hyst | alarm deadband field | field(HYST, "double") |
alarms | all alarms fields | insert fields: HIHI, HIGH, LOW, LOLO, HHSV, HSV, LSV, LLSV, HYST |
bi | binary input record | insert bi record with fields: DESC, VAL, ONAM, ZNAM |
bo | binary output record | insert bo record with fields: DESC, VAL, ONAM, ZNAM |
asub | aSub record | insert aSub record with fields: DESC, SNAM, INPA, FTA, NOA, OUTA, FTVA, NOVA |
calc | calc record | insert calc record with fields: DESC, CALC, INPA, INPB |
calcout | calcout record | insert calcout record with fields: DESC, CALC, INPA, INPB, OUT |
dfanout | dfanout record | insert dfanout record with fields: DESC, OUTA, OUTB, DOL, OMSL |
fanout | fanout record | insert fanout record with fields: DESC, SELM, SELN, SELL, LNKA, LNKB |
sel | select record | insert sel record with fields: DESC, SELM, SELN, SELL, INPA, INPB, INPC |
seq | sequence record | insert seq record with fields: DESC, SELM, SELN, SELL, DLY1, DOL1, LNK1, DLY2, DOL2, LNK2 |
waveform | waveform record | insert waveform record with fields: DESC, NELM, FTVL |