HydroGeoSphere Language Grammar
This repository contains the necessary files for codehighlighting / 'syntax'-highlighting of HydroGeoSphere input files (grok
, mprops
, etc.): The definition of the syntax of such input files, and the definition of which syntax to show in what coloring options.
- everything between "Skip on" and "Skip off" is greyed out as a block comment;
- the "problem description" at the beginning is greyed out as a block comment;
- comments indicated by a "!" are greyed out (as comments);
- file endings (
, etc.) of input files are coloured; - numbers are highlighted;
- domain names (porous medium, surface, etc.) are highlighted;
- certain keywords ('end', 'clear', 'choose') are highlighted;
Text Editors
There are various options for text editors that understand this setup, it is tested using
- TextMate on OSX and
- SublimeText (cross-platform, versions for various flavours of operating systems exist).
Other text editors that understand tmLanguage
syntax specifications exist (Atom, Visual Studio Code, etc.).

This repository contains "compiled" version of the necessary files that need to be put into proper folders (see Section "Installation"). This repository contains also the syntax definition as ASCII file.
The installation for TextMate is straight forward:
- download the hgs.tmbundle
- double click and follow the instructions
Two files need to be copied at two different locations. The destinations vary, depending on which version of SublimeText you use.
- version 2: go to
/Applications/Sublime\ Text.app/Contents/MacOS/Packages
- version 3: go to
Sublime Text
-Browse Packages
$HomeDir\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Installed Packages
1. Syntax Definition
- copy the syntax definition file to one of the above mentioned directories
- restart SublimeText
- you should be able to set
as the language (view - syntax) of an open (grok) file
2. Color Scheme
copy the SublimeText color scheme to one of the two paths described above
go to
Sublime Text
-Settings - User
; a file will pop up where you can specity the color scheme you want to use, in this case refer to the one you just copied by its file name. Typically, this could look like this:// Settings in here override those in "Default/Preferences.sublime-settings", // and are overridden in turn by file type specific settings. { "color_scheme": "Packages/Color Scheme - hgs/hgs.tmTheme" }
NOTE: the file ending of the package is not demanded here (no sublime-package
Color Schemes
Color schemes can be viewed, modified, and created using this online theme editor
- Textmate Language Grammars
- Textmate Bundle Style Guide
- Textmate Regular Expressions
- notes on Textmate Grammar
- SublimeText Syntax Definitions and Syntax Doc
Release Notes
- preparation for HydroGeoSphere user meeting in Bayreuth
- fix for problem definition at beginning for both Sublime Text and TextMate
- initial commit
- fix: everything from the beginning of the file until "end title" is now treated as a block comment
- new: included "end" or "End" as keyword
- new: "solute" and "boundary condtions" appear as
- new: the following file extensions are highlighted as
: txt, dat, mprops, etprops, fprops, dprops, oprops (note: possibly, it could make sense to highlight the full line (including the path and name of the files), however, I decided to stay parsimoneous for now) - fix: recognizes numbers (floats, exponential) to be separated by a comma; as far as HydroGeoSphere is concerned, there can be also 'just' a space; a dot is the decimal separator