A Jedi syntax highlight plugin for Atom Editor.
Atom 编辑器的 Jedi 语法高亮插件。
What's Jedi?
Jedi is a template language we use in production.
Jedi 是一种用于生产环境的模板语言。
This plugin is created for Atom. You can also see Sublime Text 3 Version and TextMate Version in other repositories. However, Atom version is recommended because it is my most commonly used editor now.
Notice: There is no guarantee that the other versions will work in future.
本插件是为 Atom 撰写的。你可以在其他仓库中找到 Sublime Text 3 版本 以及 TextMate 版本。但由于目前 Atom 是我的主力编辑器,因此推荐使用 Atom 版本
Can I Modify It?
Of Course! And welcome any issues or pull requests.