
Julia language support for Atom.




Bug Reports




Julia Grammar

Build Status

Julia grammar definition for Atom, VSCode, and GitHub.

The source of truth in this repo is grammars/julia.cson; julia.json and julia_vscode.json are automatically generated in a pre-commit hook.


Also an Atom package to provide Julia syntax highlighting, snippets, and docstring folding. Originally based off of JuliaLang/julia.tmBundle, merged with new ideas from language-julia.



Installation happens normally either through apm install language-julia or through the install section of the settings tab within Atom.

Note: if you already have a different version of language-julia plugin installed (e.g. this one), you would need to remove it first using apm uninstall language-julia

Recommended Extras

Toggling docstrings

Two Atom commands are provided to toggle all docstrings or the docstring under the cursor: language-julia:toggle-docstrings and language-julia:toggle-all-docstrings. These are not assigned keys. Here is one example of adding these to keymaps using org-mode style keys:

'atom-text-editor[data-grammar="source julia"]:not([mini])':
  'tab':       'language-julia:toggle-docstrings'
  'shift-tab': 'language-julia:toggle-all-docstrings'


We love contributors. Here are the steps we have taken to develop on this package:

  1. Remove the official install of the package: apm uninstall language-julia
  2. Clone the repository somewhere we can remember: git clone
  3. Link the cloned package to ~/.atom (enter the following from the root of the repo directory): apm link .
  4. Hack away!

When new features are added, you should write specs to show that the package is behaving as expected. To run the specs you need to do the following:

This should open up a new window with the spec results.

Contributor list