
Nextflow language support in Atom




Bug Reports




Nextflow language support in Atom

Build Status

Adds syntax highlighting and snippets to Nextflow files in Atom.

Originally converted from the language-groovy Atom package.

Contributions are greatly appreciated. Please fork this repository, open a pull request to add snippets, make grammar tweaks, fix issues, etc.


apm install language-nextflow

If apm is not recognized, open Atom, open the Atom menu, and select "Install Shell Commands". Then try running the command again.

Local Development

  1. Fork this repository and clone in a local directory.

  2. Use apm to link the local copy and install the dependencies:

apm dev language-nextflow /path/to/your/cloned/fork
  1. Finally load Atom in development mode:
cd ~/.atom/dev/packages/language-nextflow
atom -d

The package will appear in the Development section of Atom's packages. If you already have Atom opened in developer mode and want to reload packages so you can test your changes. Just do cmd-alt-shift-L. That will refresh Atom.

Tip: use ALT+CMD-P hover a code snippet to show the current scope.

Useful links